
Attorney of officer who shot Castile says Yanez shaken, upset

“They reflected and embodied what we looked for”, he said. Neighbors declined to talk about Yanez or the case.


The previous year’s report includes a photo of Yanez solemnly standing guard at a memorial to fallen officers at the state Capitol.

Gov. Mark Dayton, who has come out of his residence several times to meet with the protesters, said Friday that he endorsed their right to be there and had no intention of ordering them removed.

Misty Macon, 20, of St. Paul, said the protest was mostly peaceful, though at least one protester aimed a firework at an officer.

The story made headline news after Reynolds live streamed the aftermath of the shooting on social media site Facebook. That drew fire from the Denver Police Protective Association, the city’s biggest police union, which said the decision puts officers in harm’s way “simply for appearance’s sake”.

“The state of Minnesota will offer all available support for Diamond”, Dayton said.

The two shootings stoked racial tension that has flared repeatedly across the country following the 2014 killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. He says change can’t be a top-down approach and needs to come from the community level. “Two Minneapolis police officers in November shot and killed 24-year-old Jamar Clark in a struggle that broke out when they were called to assist an ambulance crew that was helping Clark’s girlfriend”. John Choi, the Ramsey County attorney, would be the one to decide whether charges will be brought but is awaiting the results of BCA’s investigation. The aftermath of the shooting was livestreamed in a widely shared Facebook video. The 32-year-old school cook had the appropriate state license to own the gun he was carrying the moment he was shot and killed by a cop in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday, a source told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

The past week has seen high-profile killings of seven people – Alton Sterling in Louisiana, Philando Castile in Minnesota and five officers from the Dallas Police Department in Texas.

Yanez is a Latino from South St. Paul, and has been an officer for nearly five years, according to Kelly, who added that the officer graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato. They were named best in their graduating class, and Dobratz said they seemed cut out for the challenges of police work.

Police officers also were ambushed and wounded in Missouri and Georgia on Friday, but officials did not know the motivation. Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, says that after their auto had been pulled over, Castile had simply informed the officer that he was carrying a legal firearm and reached to provide his driver’s license and registration as he had been asked, when the officer started shooting, utlimately firing four times.

Castile’s uncle, though, was more forthright: “It’s kind of hard to see flared nostrils from a vehicle”, he said. Martin was shot and killed in 2012 in Florida by a neighborhood watch volunteer.

Sterling’s and Castile’s families denounced the attack on the Dallas officers. Authorities identified the Dallas shooter as an Army veteran, who was later killed by police.

“A felony stop does not usually involve officers walking up to your auto and asking you to produce your driver’s license”, Goins said.


The only thing we can hope for is that the Justice Department carries out a proper investigation and punishment for these officers. No serious injuries were reported.

Armed Robbery Suspect Philando Castille Screenshot