
Would ask Congress for declaration of war on ISIS

Democrat rival Hillary Clinton, also appearing on Fox, said the United States needed to “stand strongly” with France and strengthen alliances, including with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, to ferret out terrorism and prevent future attacks.


She also called in to O’Reilly’s show, but the discussion was markedly different, as she outlined a plan to strike back against ISIS, though the terrorist group still has not been confirmed as being behind the Nice attack. “Do you agree with that?”

“In light of the awful attack in Nice, France, I have postponed tomorrow’s news conference concerning my vice presidential announcement”, Trump said in a tweet. Clinton says she would intensify efforts to put together a more effective coalition against terrorism.

“We will never allow terrorists to undermine the egalitarian and democratic values that underpin our very way of life”, Clinton added.

Hillary Clinton wants to allow 550 percent more than Obama and Obama is allowing a lot of people to come in.

Trump said he would ask Congress to declare war on ISIS if he came to power.

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor”, Trump says, “This is war”. “I mean, this could be the ultimate Trojan horse”. “Who knows? Maybe you will be surprised and maybe we will all be surprised” in the truck attack.

She told Cooper as she did O’Reilly that the terrorists ‘would love to draw the United States into a ground war in Syria.

As Zack Beauchamp of Vox wrote tonight, “It’s been a little over an hour since we heard about the horror in Nice, France – a truck driver running over a crowd of people celebrating Bastille Day, killing at least 70 people”.

Clinton added that European countries have been reluctant in the past to share intelligence with USA agencies. It is a different kind of war and we need to be smart about how we wage it and win it.


Both have already campaigned hard on the need to fight terrorists both on American soil and overseas – and both have been willing to openly criticize the Obama administration’s foreign policy and counterterrorism efforts. An attack in November killed 130 people in Paris, and in January, 2015, 12 people were killed by a terrorist at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office in Paris. “We have to keep pushing them into a smaller and smaller territory so that we can take out their leadership, take out their infrastructure”.

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