
Muslim Cleric Gulen Denies Involvement in Attempted Turkish Coup

The Emir also expressed extreme condemnation and denouncement of the attempt and stressed the support of Qatar, its leadership and people and its solidarity with Turkey in all actions taken to protect the constitutional legitimacy, implement law, maintain security and stability and protect the Turkish people’s gains.


As big a hurdle could be the European Parliament, where some had threatened to block the visa bill if Turkey jails any of dozens of Kurdish lawmakers who were stripped of their immunity from prosecution by a pro-Erdogan majority two months ago.

“It is clear that he is going to use this opportunity to finish up what he wanted to do from the beginning”, said Henri Barkey, a Turkish scholar who heads the Middle East program at the nonpartisan Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington.

“Turkey will not go back to the era of coups”, she said.

It started off as a casual dinner party for friends on Friday night but ended in horror as an Indian family waited for the first rays of sunlight to end their nightmare of being trapped in an Istanbul under fire.

The exiled Muslim cleric accused by Turkey’s president of orchestrating a failed coup has said he had no knowledge of the plot. “The government is in control”. “This coming together of the community is a message of solidarity to the world”, Besir Demirozur, 29, told AFP at the rally. Tens of thousands responded at rallies in cities across the country, clad in red and waving Turkish flags.

Following the coup attempt in the country on July 15, Turkish officials called on the nation to continue to protest the coup attempt.

While condemning the coup bid, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the coup plotters had to be dealt with “under the rule of law”.

Among the jubilant crowds, there was a palpable sense that Friday’s botched coup had only made Erdogan stronger.

“Their main gripe seems to have been President Erdogan’s attempt to transform his office into a powerful and centralized executive presidency”, Hakura said.

Turkey has always been a key U.S. ally but relations have been strained in recent years and Erdogan’s government has accused US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen of being behind the coup attempt.

“I call on the United States and President Barack Obama”.

Reiterating his fierce denial of any role, Gulen further stated, “As someone who suffered under multiple military coups during the past five decades, it is especially insulting to be accused of having any link to such an attempt”. Turkish officials told the United States the airspace has been closed until they can make sure all Turkish air force elements are in the hands of government forces, a US defense official told CNN on Saturday.

Indeed, reports have emerged that many of those involved in the uprising were conscripts who say they were just following orders and did not know they were taking part in a coup.

“There were tensions and divisions within the Turkish military to begin with – now, after this failed coup, there is going to be a trauma”, Erdemir said.

A Turkish helicopter carrying eight men landed in Greece Saturday and the men aboard requested political asylum, Greek government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili said.

“It appears that they have no tolerance for any movement, any group, any organization that is not under their total control”, Gulen said. Dundar, the general, said the plotters were mainly officers from the Air Force, the military police and armored units.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg shared a tweet confirming all NATO personnel in Turkey remained safe.

“I have spoken to SACEUR Gen Scaparrotti”.


His conservative religious vision for Turkey’s future has also alienated many ordinary citizens who accuse him of authoritarianism.

Turkish president wants US to send rival cleric home