
How To Request a Pokestop and Gym in Pokemon Go

This jailbreak tweak enables you to cheat the system by simply tapping anywhere on the phone’s display to make yourself walk to that location (without physically moving an inch from your couch).


The game’s universal appeal has everyone from young students to politicians trying to catch ’em all.

The pitfalls of the game have taken more subtle forms. While players have been eagerly exploring their neighborhoods they’ve found that there is more to the experience than just being glued to your device’s screen and finding out where that darn Pikachu that keeps popping up on your radar is.

The location-based augmented reality game for Android and iOS has taken the world by storm in just seven days and, even though it technically isn’t available in Malta yet, thousands have found ways to download it via third-party websites or other means.

At the start you’ll be offered the choice of three Pokemon: a Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle.

For $25, this taxi driver in Baltimore, who’s also a self-confessed Pokemon master, promises players that they can “get all of the steps with none of the sweat”. Several drivers have placed ads on Craigslist promising to help players visit all the designated PokeStops and gyms.

A Gym How do you gather items? There are different teams on the app that you can interact and battle with as you go. Niantic, the makers behind Pokemon Go, have made a lot of it in the last week – but they can always make more.

Forbes game reviewer Jason Evangelho said this week that retailers shouldn’t be so quick to shun players searching their aisles for Pokemon, because welcoming them could garner stores all manner of benefits. Is it possible? Well, yes it is using the Ingress Intel Map.

Pokemon will run away after you throw a Pokeball.

The Fayetteville Fire and Emergency Management Department released a list of safety tips to Pokemon players. The fewer, the closer it is. This can happen if a specific area doesn’t have many Ingress players.


Pokemon Go works a little differently than its handheld predecessor. But it is safe to say that once the tides have finally settled in that Niantic may have the time to provide us with more details on where we can catch even on Legendary Pokemon.

That didn't take long sponsored locations are coming to Pokemon Go