
Behind the Scenes of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

“We’ve been listening to your feedback and your desire for more offline modes”, wrote lead designer Dennis Brannvall on EA’s Star Wars blog.


What’s cool about the Thrawn reveal is that it opens the door for future characters and stories from the expanded Star Wars universe that could become canon at some point in the future.

“We said, ‘that’s great – let’s do that one more time'”.

During the Star Wars Celebration event in London this weekend, a trailer for the third season of Star Wars Rebels was unveiled, and if you thought last season was a doozy, this one isn’t taking any breaks.

Director Gareth Edwards (Monsters, Godzilla) has previously stated that Rogue One will have the feel of a classic, gritty war film instead of a Star Wars film, and it sure looks that way in the footage above. “He speaks his mind and says things that can be unsettling, just very honest”, Tudyk said. A closer look at the beach planet which promises a (deadly?) skirmish as well as X wings flying overhead and best of all the Death Star looming over everything.

The film, out in December, is the first in a series of on-screen adventures exploring stories outside the core Star Wars saga.

Starring Felicity Jones, the film centres around a group of Rebel fighters tasked with stealing the Empire’s plans for the Death Star. Characters Jyn Erso and Director Orson Krennic were revealed as the two playable heroes.

At the beginning of the short video we see a little girl (possibly Jyn) running around a tundra, Death Troopers maliciously invading a civilian home, and some short but insane looking battle sequences – all interspersed with clips of the cast and crew excitedly discussing the film.


Giving clues about his character, Australian actor Mendelsohn said: “He is smarter, I think, than most of his predecessors, he’s more inventive, he’s perhaps a little sexier than some of them, perhaps not as sexy as some of the others”.

'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story': Watch the Celebration Live Panel