
Clinton Wants Amendment to Dump Citizens United

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton announced Saturday that she planned on introducing a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s campaign-finance Citizens United decision within the first 30 days of her presidency. The decision would be effective if she gets elected, of course. She will tell an audience Saturday in a video to be played at Netroots Nation, a liberal organizing conference in St. Louis, that a key way to restore order to politics is to curb unaccounted money.


It is not the first time Clinton stresses the need to overturn the current Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling. Notably, she put forth a plan two weeks ago that would make public universities tuition-free for students whose families make less than $125,000 per year. He contrasted his campaign from Clinton’s by saying he didn’t raise money from “the billionaire class” and criticized her Wall Street speeches, as the New Yorker reported. Bernie Sanders, made his opposition to it a centerpiece of his campaign.

The specific holding of Citizens United was that the federal government could not constitutionally ban the showing of a movie that was critical of Hillary Clinton. Citizens United is also known for its investment in the conservative party’s political campaigns.

The amendment proposed by Clinton will attempt to challenge the interests of the wealthiest, reducing their influence on the American political system.

“I will also appoint Supreme Court justices who understand that this decision was a disaster for our democracy”, Clinton will say in a video message, scheduled to run near the end of today’s final keynote session.

“I know that numerous people in this room supported Sen”.


“Clinton needs to find her voice on the question of campaign finance-to talk more about money, not less-because valid doubts about the integrity of the system are fueling Trump’s campaign, too”. Furthermore, she is planning to add some changes for her administration in the college affordability and health care plans to coordinate them with Sanders’ proposals.
