
Anti-Trump Delegates Plot Their Final Stand

The Republicans are facing the very real possibility that they could go into November 9 having lost the presidency, the Senate and a significant number of seats in the House.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says it was “totally inappropriate” for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to criticize Donald Trump. “The battle is coming right now”.

However, it also means the “Free the Delegates” effort is effectively over. He’s been replaced by an alternate Kasich delegate, Christine Misto, who says she’s willing to support Trump.

Meeting in Cleveland on Monday, Republican officials blocked an effort to soften the GOP’s opposition to same-sex marriage. Barron declined to say how many people have expressed interest in the group but said he speaks with the Trump campaign “regularly” on LGBT issues. “We’re going to ask for a counterweight”, he says, “to balance the nuttiness”.

“They are not coming after us as a country”, said Giovanni Cicione, the delegate from Rhode Island who proposed the addition. “It’s fiction”, he said.

An estimated 50,000 people are expected to travel to Cleveland for the convention. “And no one else bothered to show up in court”. Similar problems were soon discovered nationwide amid revelations that veterans were waiting months for medical care even as VA employees created secret waiting lists and other falsehoods to cover up the delays. He calls Trump’s followers “Trump-bots who regurgitate everything that comes out of his mouth”. Correll won his case, and Judge Robert Payne “enjoined” or stopped the Virginia law from being enforced.

When Roman senators faced difficulty with Julius Caesar, who had expanded Rome’s territories and crushed enemies at home, thereby becoming perpetual dictator of the Roman Republic, many senators conspired to restore republican rule by assassinating Caesar. “The court did not buy what Curly Haugland was selling, and noted that this testimony has no support in the rule’s text and was contracted by his own book, Unbound”, Trump Campaign Attorney and former Federal Elections Commission Chairman Don McGahn said in a statement.

Correll posted this letter to RNC chief Rance Preibus on his website.

Aside from party members being unenthusiastic about their nominee, many members of the GOP are skipping the convention due to security concerns. “How can you morally justify your support for this kind of candidate, somebody who could be very destructive?”

He lacks common decency, respect of the Constitution, and the temperament of someone fit to be Commander-in-Chief. According to an AP review, the RNC now has fewer than 150 full-time staffers combined in OH (50), Pennsylvania (60), Colorado (24), and New Hampshire (20 part-timers).

Republican “Never Trump” delegates should let Trump proceed and avoid repeating the Roman Senate’s mistakes. Correll feared that he would be prosecuted and thrown in jail under provisions of Virginia law, Section 545(D), which require delegates to vote on a victor take all basis.

I asked Correll if he didn’t think he was upsetting the Republican conservative agenda? “And I think that might be just the beginning for this summer”.


Via BuzzFeed, it’s Hannity (of course) who introduces the term “sore losers” here but Priebus repeats it, which is an … interesting strategy by the party’s fundraiser-in-chief towards a group of Republicans who aren’t feeling so enthusiastic about their party these days. “He will go down as the one of the largest defeats in history”.

Trump declares himself the'law and order candidate