
Top landmarks for Pokemon GO users to visit in Rugby town centre

To make this Trick work you must have at least two Trainers(friends) along with you. When a pokemon is near, the player’s phone will vibrate and the pokemon will show up on the phone screen. For the uninitiated, Pokemon Go is a free-to-play, location-based mobile game developed as part of the Pokemon (short for pocket monster) franchise.


Unfortunately, the augmented reality camera isn’t the only blip in Pokemon Go’s gameplay. And now it would appear that, like many other millennials who were Pokemon-crazy in the late ’90s, she’s taken an interest in Pokemon GO, the sensational new mobile game from Niantic that became the biggest hit in mobile gaming history nearly overnight.

For more help on Pokemon Go, read out our Best Offensive Type Pokemon, Best Defensive Type Pokemon, and Understanding Pokemon Types Guide.

It’s not a new concept though – the same studio previously released Ingress, a game that also leverages maps and Global Positioning System to create a virtual world within the real. Furthermore, there are freezing issues popping-up while trying to capture a Pokemon. As for those eggs, you can hatch them faster by leaving your phone on while you jog or ride a bike, with your phone’s pedometer tracking the distance; the farther the distance, the faster it takes for those Pokemon eggs to hatch.

“The team is now heads down working on the game”. It works nearly every time on every type of Pokemon.

To all my iPhone 6 and up users I was going through this same exact problem and it was really pissing me off, but what I did was you got to your settings, go into your cellular option, select cellular data options, select enable LTE, and then select off. After I did this everything ran a lot smoother and I never had a freeze since then. With the game seemingly here to stay, if you can’t beat them, you might want to consider joining them. Do not throw the PokeBall directly at Pokemon if you can not see the loading icon.


That said, Pokemon Go gets 3.5 GiN Gems out of 5, and should they ever fix their server issues, I’ll bump it up to a 4 out of 5.

The app has seen crowds of people gathering in public places in Australia, the US and New Zealand as players attempt to collect Pokemon characters