
Trump introduces Gov. Mike Pence as ‘my partner in this campaign’

There are other absences, including Sen. After setting ratings records throughout the Republican primary season, Trump could very well shatter that number. “That tells you more about the condition of the Republican Party and whether it’s unified or not”, said Mac Stipanovich, a longtime GOP consultant. It would have explicitly allowed delegates to cast a vote of “conscience” and back the contender of their choice.


Donald Trump may be the Republicans’ presumed nominee for president, and his face has been ubiquitous for months.

Trump and Pence will appear together Saturday morning at a midtown Manhattan hotel, an unofficial kickoff event to the Republican National Convention two days before it opens in Cleveland.

Under current Republican Party rules, delegates’ votes are to be tallied for the candidate to whom they are bound as a result of state party primaries, conventions and rules. While Trump showcases his choice, Democrat Hillary Clinton’s team is already painting Pence’s conservative social viewpoints as out of step with the mainstream.

Republicans say Trump needs to take a page from Portman’s playbook, and they worry that Trump’s flyby approach to one of the most important states on the electoral map won’t give him the edge he needs over Democrat Hillary Clinton, who already has a strong OH operation. I’m not saying he’s unsafe, but a lot of this stuff he says he knows perfectly well isn’t true – you can’t ban an entire religion from entering the country, and this stuff about building a wall and making Mexico pay for that – well, that’s just not going to happen. “This is my ninth convention”. “I guess there’s a part of me that hopes this works”.

Before long, she joined a friend on a trip to Burlington, Iowa, where Trump held a campaign appearance in the fall of 2015. “What can I do to stop this?'” said David Pepper, the chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party.

Cotton and Cruz, Siegfried said, are there for one reason – setting the stage for their 2020 presidential bids. “If Cruz was the (nominee), I wouldn’t want Trump supporters to do what some Cruz supporters are trying to do”. “We started out with 17 (candidates) a year ago”. Roger Wicker and state Republican Party Chairman Joe Nosef. “We are prepared. We are ready to welcome the world to Cleveland”, said Richard Rowe Jr., the Secret Service’s assistant special agent in charge. But the list of Florida’s federal officeholders will be a little thin.

Dent’s colleague across the aisle, U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Ponte Vedra, and John Mica, R-Winter Park, will be there. He also endorsed Sen. It’s created to showcase the candidate and the candidate’s party.

“It’s challenging, but the bottom line is that Rubio and some of the other [candidates] are in closely contested races”, MacManus said.

Who’s going to the Republican National Convention this week?

Tennessee’s GOP delegates highlight the divide within the Republican Party that Trump will have to bridge in Cleveland, Ohio.

“I just completely and utterly reject this notion that (Clinton is) ahead of us”, Borges said. Oliver said. “The half-life of the memory of the average voter is about three weeks. After that, they move on to the other things in life”. He’s withholding an endorsement until he can meet with Trump personally, something expected to happen in Cleveland. And enthusiasm is important when it comes to actually winning elections, he added.

She doesn’t know entirely what to expect as a national convention first-timer, but has a wish she would like to see come true. He needs the show to distract from the fact that there are a lot of gaping holes in the convention – and the fact that people of substance and prominence in the Republican Party are staying away in droves. “And that’s not the intensity you need to win”.


About one third of those officers will be joining thousands of law enforcement officers from around the state and the country in providing security during the convention. But he was optimistic – to a point. “It’s fractured, broken, busted, and not in a good place – [but] it can be”.

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