
‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’ is coming to ‘Battlefront’

The fourth DLC pack for Star Wars: Battlefront is going to be something specific. Today EA made several announcements about what fans can expect in the near future from the Star Wars video game universe.


Star Wars Celebration is now taking place in London, and the Star Wars Games panel revealed quite a lot that gamers can look forward to. As usual, with addition to the new maps, two new heroes will be added: the highly anticipated Chewbacca and the bounty hunter Bossk.

The design director, Niklas Fegraeus at the event, revealed the name of the expansion and confirmed that it will be available at the end of the year, tying the premiere of the film.

This new content is going to be released in September so players will have plenty to keep busy with as they wait for December to get their hands on the Rogue One: Scarif DLC for Star Wars: Battlefront. She said it won’t be released until 2018 and the games title hasn’t been decided yet.

EA and DICE plan to reveal more about both expansions soon. “How do you intend to solve this problem?” asks Grand Moff Tarkin in the trailer.

It was also discovered at Celebrations that the Rogue One story was initially made to be a live action Star Wars TV Series before Disney took over.


In particular, the DLC will introduce a new planet, Scarif, which is the sunny, tropical planet we see getting laid to waste by AT-ATs in the film’s trailer-as well as two new characters, Felicity Jones’ Jyn Ersa, and Ben Medelsohn’s white-caped villain, Director Orson Krennic.

EA Games have given Star Wars Battlefront players their first look at the upcoming Death Star expansion pack