
Joey Chestnut chows down 70 hot dogs for Nathan’s Famous crown

Stonie stole what would have been Chestnut’s ninth consecutive title in 2015 by eating 62 Nathan’s dogs and buns. Both men hail from San Jose, Calif. Peter J. Smith for The Wall Street Journal …


And in case anyone was wondering if Chestnut would retire on top, he confirmed after his win that he would return to the contest next year. He’s the most famous hot dog eater in the world! Joey Chestnut won the Nathan’s 2016 Hot Dog Eating Contest.

Chestnut won the title by downing 70 hot dogs and buns at the annual Nathan’s Famous Hotdog Eating Contest held at Coney Island today (July 4).

Thousands of people – many wearing Nathan’s Famous hats – gathered on Coney Island’s famed boardwalk for the July Fourth contest.

“Probably would have hit 80 Hot Dogs without that lost time”, he tweeted.

Matt Stonie was second with 55 hot dogs.

Chestnut and Stonie have been preparing all year for the competition. He’s competed in eating contests of grilled cheese sandwiches, waffles, burgers, wings, pizza, macaroni and cheese, bratwursts and more. Besides the glory, Chestnut also takes home $10,000 and the championship belt, which is appropriately mustard yellow in color. She broke open a close contest in the final two minutes and pulled away from previous three-time champ Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas, who consumed 35 dogs.

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Joey Chestnut at 2012 Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest