
Officers Shot To Death In Baton Rouge

The shooting deaths of three law enforcement officers, with three more injured, came in Baton Rouge – a city already on edge after an African-American man recently was shot and killed by police. One shooter is dead and two others may still be at large, authorities said. The gunman’s condition remains unclear.


Law enforcement officers have converged on a house in Kansas City, Missouri, that is listed for a man named Gavin Long. A motive for the shootings is not yet known. The Sheriff told the people of Baton Rouge that they should be on the lookout for anyone wearing all-black or army fatigue and possibly carrying “long” weapons.

At least one of the officers who was killed is black, as is the suspect who was killed, according to a person briefed by law enforcement Sunday. Obama noted that one of the wounded was still in critical condition.

“That’s in direct contradiction to what we are advocating”, said Levy-Pounds, who is a civil rights attorney.

In his Sunday afternoon statement, Obama condemned the recent attacks on police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge and promised that “justice will be done”. “Shots fired, officer down, shots fired, officer down!” police radio traffic recorded.

“We as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies violence against law enforcement”, he said.

In the deadliest day for USA law enforcement since the September 11 attacks, 12 officers were shot in Dallas on July 8 – five of them fatally – by a sniper during a protest march.

Earlier, a spokesman for the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office said police and sheriff’s deputies were involved in the shooting incident, which occurred around 9am local time (1400 GMT).

Attorney General Loretta Lynch also addressed the killings. “He was on (the force) to help people, to make you have a better day”, Murdock said. “I don’t understand how this could happen to someone like him”. Your families feel it. When people you know begin to question your integrity you realize they don’t really know you at all. The individual allegedly ambushed police officers responding to an incident shooting several police officers.

“Our collective voice must rise up to condemn this latest shooting in what is unfortunately becoming a horrifying trend”, Garcetti said. Nor will today’s killer. “It is up to all of us to make sure we are part of the solution, not part of the problem”, he said. That decision is all of ours. “We are not looking good, we are not looking smart, we are not looking tough!”

President Barack Obama has been briefed on Sunday’s shooting and has asked to be updated throughout the day as further details become available, the White House said. He predicted that the political scene would be “more overheated than usual”. We don’t need inflammatory rhetoric.

“We demand law and order”. “In the wake of the occurrences in Dallas and Baton Rouge, the RPD has taken steps to enhance the security of its officers; however, the best interests of safety would not be served by publicly disclosing those measures”. That’s what’s needed right now.


Someone once wrote, “A bullet need happen only once, but for peace to work we need to be reminded of its existence again and again and again”.
