
Three Baton Rouge officers feared dead in shooting

The National Association of Police Organizations said after the Dallas shooting that America was in the midst of a war on law enforcement officers. “Every one right now focus on words and actions that can unite this country rather than divide it further”. “Then we started getting texts about officers down”, she said.


The deceased suspect in the deadly shooting of Baton Rouge law enforcement officers appeared to have attacked police on his 29th birthday, CBS News has learned.

The five police officers in Dallas were killed by a gunman during a demonstration triggered by the fatal police shooting of Sterling and another African-American man in Minnesota whose dying moments were captured in shocking video footage that went viral online.

The races of the shooters and the police officers involved were not immediately clear.

The Baton Rouge Advocate reported that two other men were picked up across the Mississippi River in Addis and were being questioned by police as “persons of interest”. Officials by 4 p.m. Sunday thought the attack on the officers was the work of multiple gunmen, CNN reported.

A witness to Baton Rouge shootings, Brady Vancel, told a CBS television affiliate he had seen a gunman, a second man in a red shirt lying in a parking lot and another gunman running away “as shots were being fired back and forth from several guns”.

Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, expressed grief in a Facebook post.

A recent series of high-profile shootings involving police have exposed deep fault lines through United States society, reviving long-running debates about racial prejudice and an epidemic of gun violence. Three of the officers died, one was in critical condition and another was in fair condition, she said.

The FBI said the information was not officially confirmed but was issued to alert law enforcement to be aware.

Trump, using heated rhetoric, has called for new leadership in the country in the wake of the Dallas police ambush and recent killings carried out by police. “I would ask all Mississippians to rally around our law enforcement and join Deborah and me in praying for the families of the fallen”. The slain shooter’s body was next door, outside a fitness center.

Richard Carbo told The Associated Press that Gov. John Bel Edwards was meeting Sunday with officers and their families. At that time, officers engage the suspect and kill him.

Earlier this afternoon, I spoke with Governor Edwards and Mayor Holden, and I offered them the full support of the federal government and reiterated my full support for law enforcement in Baton Rouge and for police officers across the country.

Three other law enforcement officers were injured.

Wilson Borough Police Chief Steven Parkansky agreed, saying officers need to constantly be aware of their surroundings. “We want and need your prayers”.

MS no doubt reeled when 12 Dallas officers were shot, five fatally, last Thursday night, but Louisiana seemed to some to be uncomfortably close to home.

Thousands of people have protested Sterling’s death, and Baton Rouge police arrested more than 200 demonstrators.

The shooting happened along Airline Highway, a major roadway in the city.


Footage of the incident, which showed at least one officer shooting Sterling at point blank range, ignited protests and outrage across the country.

Credit CNN