
Hillary Clinton launches TV ad attacking Donald Trump over nuclear weapons

Hillary Clinton has raised all of her money from special interest groups and others.


“People will be watching Cleveland and Donald Trump the next few days and will be wondering, ‘What can I do?”

Those are some strong, strong headwinds.

The survey shows that Clinton remains five points ahead of Trump among registered voters.

Skipping the traditional massive rally in favor of a low-key announcement in a Manhattan hotel, Trump tried to draw a sharp contrast between Pence, a soft-spoken conservative, and Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate. It’s hard to imagine late deciders breaking for a candidate like that. Fully 72 percent said yes.

I have voted in every election since 1954. “She’s got bad instincts”. “And the best thing they can do is to register voters”. An anxious public may favor the “law and order” candidate in a racially tense environment … unless they suspect he’d actually make things worse by damaging race relations further. It’s hard to predict. Clinton earns the support of 84% of Democrats across the battleground states, slightly more than Trump at 78%, but Trump leads among independents with 42% to 28% for Clinton – and 10% for Gary Johnson. As for GOP party unity, the data among the three polls is mixed. He has respect for his ex-wives, and they for him. Trump finds similar numbers of Americans who think he’s prejudiced against women and minorities, as well as those who see him as unqualified for the White House, with 56% and 60%, respectively.

Overall, the GOP has a 27 percent positive/51percent negative score (-24) in the poll, while the Democratic Party is at 39 percent positive/41 percent negative (-2).

One hint that it could fade: Support for both Johnson and Stein appears concentrated among those less enthusiastic about voting this year, suggesting their supporters may be less apt to turn out in the end. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said they speak mostly English at home; 35 percent speak mostly Spanish and the remainder speak both languages equally in their household.

About half – 49 percent – said they seek out news about the election on Spanish language media, compared to 48 percent who do not. She is responsible for ISIS. Which I guess makes sense. The balancing act for Trump in that regard will be that his current supporters aren’t as apt to want that softening.

Donald Trump is at the centre of attack in a new advertisement by the rival Hillary Clinton campaign that invites adults to imagine what a child might be learning from the Republican presumptive nominee’s provocative rhetoric.


Clinton also holds a comfortable 51 percent to 42 percent cushion over Trump in a recent Pew Research Center poll that largely stems from her overwhelming advantage in minority support. Still, if you believe the storyline that Trump’s going to sweep to power in a great populist revolt and that that revolt is being driven first and foremost by a backlash to amnesty, you need to reckon with those numbers.

Clinton using Republican convention to spur voter signup