
State police issue bulletin on Pokemon Go App

Leaving the Google Geo team in 2010 to start the original Niantic Labs within Google, Hanke’s passion for leveraging the real world into a game bore fruit two years later with “Ingress”.


“Pokémon Go” has now officially reached Germany following its huge success in the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. “I suspect that both general and scholarly interest in augmented reality technologies will continue to grow, particularly as people begin to understand more deeply what it means to have computers as playmates, not just as playthings”. “Distracted game users might not be aware of their surroundings or use caution when entering into isolated areas”.

The bulletin also warns citizens of criminals that might use the app to target players by luring them through the game. Not everyone playing the game has innocent motives.

“We have one incident so far where a couple trespassed at a local business that a deputy was already working at the business for extra duty”.

“We recommend setting limitations on where they go and areas they go to play this game”, Daniel said.


Already bigger than Whatsapp, Instagram and Snapchat, the app, which sees inidividuals hunt “pocket monsters” overlaid on reality via their phone, had already attracted thousands of British users who used workarounds to get the game early.

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