
Cleveland gets ready for Republican convention

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus organized the convention and will have a high profile.


Kent Syler, a political scientist at Middle Tennessee State University, said he will keep an eye on the energy level of those at the convention. Trump, to them, represents that change – even though the details of what would change and how it would change are still pretty vague.

Hillary Clinton speaks during a conference in Washington last week.

But it will be a unusual convention indeed.

As far as Minnesota Republican Party Chairman Keith Downey is concerned, there shouldn’t be any debate among the state’s delegates over whether they are bound to vote for a specific candidate. Usually, you can count on speeches from former presidents and former presidential nominees at a convention.

GOP Sens. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Mark Kirk of IL and John McCain of Arizona – all on November’s ballot – are bowing out.

Maine’s delegation to the RNC is composed nearly entirely of Cruz supporters elected by party faithful during the state party’s convention in June.

Trump’s choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate was overshadowed by a terror attack in France and attempted coup in Turkey.

Are Minnesota’s delegates really bound? He’s sent out fundraising appeals for Ohio’s junior senator, Rob Portman; New Hampshire Sen. Many prominent and top establishment Republicans are staying away from Cleveland largely because they don’t like Trump.

Odds of that appeared to dim on Thursday, when the Republican rules committee voted down a proposal by anti-Trump forces to free delegates from having to vote for him.

Even if that means California will go back to doing the one thing it usually does to make a splash in general elections, according to Pat Brown Institute Executive Director Raphael Sonenshein.

The campaign of the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, is sparking a surge in the number of citizenship applications and voter registrations among Hispanics fearful of his immigration policies. “I think the whole world will be watching this convention”. “The divisions in the party are not that great”.

For liability reasons, the sheriff said he has denied requests by his deputies to work extra-duty security for private companies in Cleveland during the GOP convention. But he has more than enough delegates.

Aides to Clinton said they intend to make voter registration a major focus at every level of the campaign, including among coordinated Democratic drives in key states. “Yes, absolutely. But that being said, the people voted and people were selected to serve as delegates on the basis of the understanding that they were going to be bound”.

Bob Corker, who, until recently, had been considered a potential vice presidential candidate and could secure a Cabinet position in a Trump administration.

“In some ways, I’m glad for Trump in what he accomplished, winning the nomination, ” Christie said. “But I wish he would grow up and stop calling people names”.

A retired businessman, Gallo says he has been fascinated by politics since he was 10 years old.

“It’s just a very odd one, ” Christie said.

Christie said if the election were held right now, “I’d vote for him”.

Former Hamilton County commissioner Greg Hartmann, a Kasich delegate, was co-chair of the Hamilton County campaign for Romney in 2012.

Still, there will be worries among the lavish parties and cascading balloons that Trump might embarrass the party during the fall campaign, imperil its down-ticket candidates and undermine some of its fundamental principles.

Hartmann made it clear early on in the OH primary contest that he has no use for Trump and hasn’t changed his mind since.

“Look, he’s all we’ve got now, ” Hartmann told WVXU. “I’m not wild about him”.

Clint Pate, Jackson County commissioner and delegate going to his second convention in a row, expects more excitement than four years ago, along with more controversy and more protesters.

But he does not want to see Clinton become president.

“That would be a disaster, ” Hartmann said. But it has yet to publish a full schedule or announce who will speak in the coveted prime-time slots. “So when you have that kind of encouragement you start to consider it. So I’d say we’re in a deep consideration as a family”.


Who will go to the GOP convention?

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