
Chief: Seems everyone coming to Cleveland to rally, protest

The Republican Party consummates its love-hate relationship with Donald Trump at its national convention this week in Cleveland.


Despite a lack of clarity about the motive and specifics of Sunday’s incident, Trump said President Barack Obama “doesn’t have a clue” on how to handle the problem after Obama voiced concern about inflammatory rhetoric on the campaign trail.

The convention will also provide Republican faithful with their first look at his vice presidential running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, who was announced on Saturday after a messy selection process.

The Daily News reports that Byron Tau first spotted the sign, and said RNC staffers were replacing it at Quicken Loans Arena “for obvious reasons”. Police are preparing for large demonstrations outside the arena.

“I actually was at a fundraiser for Mr. Trump the other night with my wife, and he invited me to speak at the convention, which was completely unexpected and out of left field”, Baio said.

An estimated 50,000 people, including 15,000 media are expected at the event – a press pack only second in number to the Rio Olympics.

The governor is one of five Wisconsinites scheduled to speak at the convention.

Republican Donald Trump seized on the shooting deaths in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to bolster his case the United States is leaderless and he is the better candidate in the November 8 USA presidential election to restore law and order than his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“Everyone has an important role to play in that renewal”, said Kasich, who called law enforcement “a noble, essential calling”. Convention CEO Jeff Larson is from Hudson and convention communications director Kirsten Kukowski previously worked for the state Republican Party and Walker’s presidential campaign.

Ryan chose not to run for president after his turn as vice presidential nominee in 2012. Priebus says that’s when Trump will likely speak at the GOP convention, which starts Monday. This time around the delegates are going in with a divided party.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (KAY’-sihk) says he doesn’t have authority to suspend the state’s law allowing people to openly carry guns. Ron Johnson of Oshkosh, said Wednesday he might make an appearance at the convention after previously saying he would sit out to focus on campaigning in Wisconsin. They include former RNC committeeman and Walker campaign chairman Michael Grebe and Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, R-Kaukauna. Ted Cruz. Trump ended up with 25 delegates in MI while Cruz and Kasich each got 17. Trump offended conservatives in the state by criticizing Walker during a visit to Janesville before the April 5 primary, and some conservative talk radio hosts have continued to foment skepticism about his candidacy.

To force that roll call vote, the rebels must gather signatures of a majority of delegates from at least seven states and submit them to convention officials. Usually it’s the other way around.

The disorganized nature of the running mate rollout – in which Trump failed to fully project the power of the partnership – had some Republicans anxious that they could see more of the same at Cleveland. “There are soccer moms in suburbia who are appalled by the way (Trump) conducted himself”.

In a truly inexplicable move-especially given the issues Republicans have had with so-called minorities this election cycle- a sign was posted with the words “White Elevators”, pointing to an elevator bank at the Republican National Convention site in Cleveland this weekend.

“This is really uncharted waters”, Smith said. “It’s going to be a very personal convention”. He nonetheless recently gave a nod to the “Free the GOP” movement by agreeing delegates should vote their conscience, but later reaffirmed he would support Trump as the nominee.


“It’s something that Donald Trump and his crowd were already prepared to talk about”, he said.

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