
Investors prefer Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump

Only 28 percent now see Clinton as honest, Thursday’s poll showed.


Clinton supporters, however, were only half as likely to favor a “reset button” than Trump or Johnson voters.

“In Florida, what she is doing on the ground with voter registration could be the difference between winning and losing”, said Steve Schale, a Democratic strategist who advised Obama’s campaigns in Florida. Although Comey said Clinton was “extremely careless” in the way she treated the classified material, he claimed she did not have the intent to violate the law. Instead, he has been banking on free media coverage propelled by his celebrity appeal. As a effect, he has largely ceded control over what the voting public is learning about him.

While Trump has aired zero ads, Clinton has been piping thousands of commercials into the homes of swing-state voters in places like Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia.

Clinton will have to deal with a different set of problems the following week at her nominating convention. One poll, CBS News/New York Times, has the race dead even. She also vowed to eliminate family detention centers, which hold undocumented immigrant families, including children and babies, for weeks or even months in what advocates call prison-like conditions while they wait for legal processing.

The commercial rolls through milestones in her life, beginning with black-and-white footage of her toddling down steps.

The California newspaper hid the actual poll numbers in the eighth paragraph, including the news that Trump has the support of at least 30 percent of Hispanics.

(1)”Rather than questioning a different group of respondents for each poll, the survey relies on a panel, now consisting of about 3,000 people recruited at random to represent USA households”.

Republicans get to go first, though, and strategists say that Trump’s first imperative will be to try to stitch together as much of the GOP coalition as he can, after his populist-tinged insurgency alienated many conservative activists and center-right establishment figures. The commercial asks, “Our children are watching”.

Millions of Americans feel they’re struggling just to pay the bills, despite an economic recovery that looks good on paper. “More countries with more nuclear weapons?”

Two-thirds of religiously unaffiliated registered voters say they would vote for Clinton if the election were held today, just as two-thirds meant to vote for Obama at a similar point in the 2012 campaign.

In the interview, Trump also said he didn’t expect Pence to campaign in a similar manner to his brash, confrontational style. Trump led among voters 45 and older, Clinton among those younger.

Political advertising strategists are torn over whether the lack of positive Trump ads matters. In 2012, support for Republican nominee Mitt Romney rose about 5 percentage points following the convention that year. At every turn, Democrats try to link Republicans to Trump.


Clinton’s continued lead may be due to the advantages she holds over Trump in likability (43% of voters nationally have a favorable view of Clinton vs. 39% who view Trump positively), experience (64% say she has the right experience to be president, double the 32% who say so about Trump), and on a range of issues including foreign policy, health care, abortion and race relations. “And the best thing they can do is to register voters”.

Clinton campaigns with a veepstakes favorite in Virginia