
New Clinton ad paints Trump as unsteady on foreign policy

And the growing support for third party candidates also seems centered among younger voters, which could prove harmful to Clinton’s campaign. Johnson performs well here too – Clinton leads Trump 41% to 34% when he’s included, and he draws 10%.


“So many people have said ‘party unity, ‘ because I’m an outsider”, Trump said.

How millennials feel about the candidates may not matter given their likelihood of voting: Only 47 percent of millennials said they would definitely vote in the presidential election in November.

Brandishing his running mate’s job-creating credentials, Trump – who pushed back against reports of indecision by deeming the governor “my first choice” – ticked through a list of statistics he said showed how Pence had pulled IN out of economic recession: an unemployment rate that fell to less than 5 percent on his watch, an uptick IN the labor force and a decrease IN IN residents on unemployment insurance.

The Trump campaign appears to subscribe to the belief among some Republicans analysts that a candidate could win without wooing Latino voters.

By comparison, respondents overall had an equally unfavorable view of atheism at 38 percent, compared with 21 percent for Hinduism, 16 percent for Judaism and 8 percent for Christianity.

Rove cited, for instance, the Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday that has Trump three points ahead of Clinton in Florida. But 49 percent of Democrats say it’s a minor problem, while just 29 percent don’t think it’s a problem at all.

What’s more, a combined 85 percent of all voters – including 78 percent of Republicans – say the GOP is not that unified or only somewhat unified.

“This is the primary reason I wanted Mike – other than that he looks very good, other than he’s got an incredible family, and incredible wife”, Trump said. “The truthfulness is everything”.

Poll after poll shows more and more voters disappointed with both Clinton and Trump, so much so they just don’t want to vote at all on Election Day. Americans can choose a leader who will fight to make America safe and prosperous again, and bring real change, or we can elect someone who literally personifies the failed establishment in Washington, D.C.


While the email investigation has drawn more attention in recent weeks, it remains to be seen if it will remain prominent on the minds of voters in the coming months. Two of these polls were conducted online, using panels that were recruited by traditional mail or telephone surveys, one was conducted by phone. Its latest poll had margin of error of about 3 percentage points. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn’t have access to the Internet were provided access for free.

Donald Trump at a campaign event in New York City.   Drew Angerer  Getty Images