
Republican prez candidates slam Obama on illegal immigration

Both candidates-who argue they would be the toughest on immigration and have the most experience on the issue-completely dodged a question about immigration policies that break families apart. Beside the fact that any lawyer worth a quarter of his hourly fee should know better, it would be hard to persuade a jury that Trump’s attorney was not reflecting his employer’s views.


Experts say this means that either Trump’s comments will be pushed aside as the season progresses or will draw voters to the race earlier than some expected.

If Trump has more than enough money to fund an entire, outrageously expensive campaign, then he is doing something right financially. But Trump wasn’t even the one picking up on it – conservative media, like Fox News, was.

Well, retorted the driver, we must close down the border in this “time of terror”. It turned out that the driver was fan of Trump, especially his promise to build a fence to keep out illegal immigrants. He said the people being sent across the border by Mexico include “rapists” and people who are “bringing crime” and “bringing drugs”. Kasich said. “We really need to take lessons from Donald Trump!”

He says he isn’t opposed to allowing legal immigration, though, and would support putting a “big handsome door in that wall” so people can still immigrate legally.

We used the Lexis-Nexis database to count the number of times illegal immigration or undocumented immigrants came up in major newspapers in the days before and after Trump’s announcement on June 16.

“He doesn’t seem like a very bright guy”, Trump said (via Politico). Our politicians are stupid.

He says the Mexican government has no interest in dealing with its violent criminals because “the stupid leaders of the United States will do it for them”.

Mr Rubio quickly paints a contrast with Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton in noting that he’s familiar with the financial challenges middle-class Americans face.

On ISIS: Bush stated that “knowing what we know now with faulty intelligence”, it was “a mistake” to go to Iraq, and he wouldn’t have gone in.

On a single-payer health care system: “It works in Canada”. I want to get the bad ones out. When I tell this to blue-state liberals, they find it surprising, because it contradicts their stereotypes about the rural South. But upon reflection, it makes sense, considering who the key players are in rural Southern communities. “And that’s what is happening whether you like it or not”. “It would not be the kind of attitude I would expect of the leader of our country!”

“So, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be talking about illegal immigration”.

You see, in recent decades, the GOP has preferred a safe candidate, ever since Ronald Reagan.

The average U.S. growth rate since World War II has been 3.3% and often higher. We don’t win anymore. We don’t beat Japan…in trade. In other words, building a wall across our border with Mexico would have done nothing to prevent any Islamic terrorist attacks.

Fox News welcomed 10 candidates to Thursday night’s debate stage.

The debate was attended by Donald Trump, former Gov. Jeb Bush (Fla.), Sen.


The Trump campaign’s post-debate email referenced his comments on immigration and his business record and claimed they clearly had an impact with voters.

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