
Hillary Clinton Destroys Republican Candidate Jeb Bush In Defense Of Women’s

In this photo taken June 27, 2015, Republican presidential candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush speaks in Henderson, Nev.


And yesterday was a ideal example of that.

The Bush campaign has already sought to turn the tables on the misstatement, pushing Facebook ads in Iowa and New Hampshire highlighting his commitment to defunding Planned Parenthood and noting the attacks he’s absorbed from Clinton and other Democrats.

In 2013, Planned Parenthood received 45 percent of its funding from the US government through grants totaling $540 million, according to the organization’s 2012-2013 annual report. He called for a halt to the $500 million in federal health care dollars that flow to Planned Parenthood to pay largely for low-income women’s health services. Last week it was reported that Bush served as a director of a philanthropy started by ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg that donated $50 million to reproductive health causes and paired up with Planned Parenthood for the initiative.

Bush did not say whether he’d back a shutdown, instead saying he prefers “regular order”. She seized on his questioning of federal spending on women’s health at a forum in Tennessee earlier in the day. On Wednesday, the state Agency for Health Care Administration announced it found three facilities performing second trimester abortions without a proper license and one that has kept proper records on fetal remains.

However, the price of personal consistency is that Bush has delivered a plan that doesn’t stand a chance in Congress, where a large segment of the House of Representatives will not accept anything that smacks of forgiveness toward people in the country illegally.

An array of Democratic groups, eager to breathe life into the “war on women” them, also weighed in. “He’s the greatest man, in my mind, alive”. “That we really, really hate”.

Will Jeb Bush’s gaffes prevent him from becoming the GOP nominee for president in 2016? If you’re going to quibble about the size of the sum spent on women’s health, then make the case that you can procure the same quality of service for less money and that Planned Parenthood is wasting taxpayer dollars in addition to killing kids for spare parts.

But mid-thought, he stopped to muse that the federal government might not need to spend as much as it does.

“I love pizza, but I am too old and fat to eat it often”, Bush told a middle school student while in office as Florida’s governor. He also discussed his family name, and the association that comes with it.


“You only empower bullies by ignoring them”, Bush said.

Hillary Clinton Destroys Republican Candidate Jeb Bush In Defense Of Women's