
Israel makes veiled threats against Iranian nuclear scientists

“And, of course, those calling for war labeled themselves strong and decisive while dismissing those who disagreed as weak, even appeasers of a malevolent adversary”. Unfortunately, I can not support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.


But in a blunt assessment of Netanyahu’s views, Obama said “I believe he is wrong”. Obama stooped low, accusing the Republican caucus of making “common cause” with the Iranian “hard-liners” who shout “Death to America”. Sanctions are lifted once Iran has taken its initial actions. Iran’s leadership has every interest in shoring up support from hardliners. The answers I’ve received simply don’t convince me that this deal will keep a nuclear weapon out of Iran’s hands, and may in fact strengthen Iran’s position as a destabilizing and destructive influence across the Middle East.

This book has been cited alongside Khamenei’s belligerent remarks about the US in the aftermath of the nuclear deal, to undermine the Obama administration’s notion of prospective moderation by the regime.

Next is the length of the agreement – 10 years.

“There are times when force is necessary, and if Iran does not abide by this deal, it’s possible that we don’t have an alternative”, Obama acknowledged.

Israeli Consul General Andy David began his brief economic development tour of the state in Missoula – a tour that looks to enhance relationships between U.S. and Israeli citizens. “The only long-term solution to Iran’s nuclear aspirations, meddling in regional affairs and human-rights abuses, is a totally new system of governance based on democracy and secularism”.

President Obama further stated that if Republicans were to “repeat these arguments long enough, they would get some traction”. And the “snapback sanctions” provisions seem cumbersome and hard to use.

We can enhance support for areas like missile defense, information sharing, interdiction, all to help meet Israel’s pressing security needs”, Obama said. Netanyahu is working to counter the agreement, which offers sanctions relief for nuclear restrictions. Ultimately, he argued, “it actually paves Iran’s path to the bomb”. And the Western, Russian and Chinese sanctions regime was fragile while the Iranians were able to hang together.

The covert war against Teheran’s nuclear program has also seen the launching of the Stuxnet computer virus on Iran’s nuke facilities, ongoing espionage and unexplained explosions. “Quite the contrary, the very demands made in this agreement clearly show they intend to continue pursuing nuclear weapons“.

The agreement prevents Iran from enriching uranium and reprocessing plutonium needed to develop nuclear weapons. A report carried by CBS News last year claimed that US President Barack Obama’s administration had pressured Israel to stop carrying out assassinations inside Iran against its nuclear scientists. We are “one nation among many”, he advised.

“[A] more understandable motivation behind the opposition of this deal …”

To reduce the pain of sanctions, the Supreme Leader had to bend to the moderates in his country. “In fact, prior to the final announcement, more than 100,000 Iranian expatriates gathered in Paris, joined by hundreds of prominent worldwide dignitaries, to express their opposition to the emerging deal”. He should have noted that AIPAC (and its satellite organizations) constitute the only lobby operating in Washington that opposes the agreement because that is the case too. “I think this debate is very important. How can we in good conscience justify war before we’ve tested a diplomatic agreement that achieves our objectives?” For one thing, the agreement stipulates the worldwide Atomic Energy Agency give Iran at least 24 days’ notice prior to its arrival. Sanctions were hurting Iran, but not stopping its nuclear progress.


Oh, and the demonstration of overwhelming American military muscle in Iraq would force the mullahs in neighboring Iran to cower with newfound respect. It is true that Iran has a large number of people who want their government to decrease its isolation from the world and focus on economic advancement at home. But this desire has been evident for 35 years, yet the Iranian leaders have held a tight and undiminished grip on Iran, successfully maintaining their brutal, theocratic dictatorship with little threat. Who’s to say this dictatorship will not prevail for another ten, twenty, or thirty years?
