
Governor Hassan’s Statement on the Clean Power Plan

EPA administrator Gina McCarthy said: “The valuable feedback we received means the final Clean Power Plan is more ambitious yet more achievable, so states can customise plans to achieve their goals in ways that make sense for their communities, businesses and utilities”.


The American Lung Association is welcoming the Clean Power Plan as a huge step forward in public health.

The chief component of the rule requires existing power plants to cut emissions from 2005 carbon dioxide levels by 32 percent by 2030.

Edie Chang, who oversees the California Air Resources Board’s climate change programs, said, “We’re going to be able to comply and even over-comply”. His Clean Power Plan says it would prevent thousands of premature deaths, create jobs, and much more. The same group unsuccessfully fought the issuance of the power plan, but a federal court determined that the challenge was premature since it was brought before the rule was finalized. Based on an initial review, it appears that EPA made positive changes to address concerns my administration and I expressed repeatedly about ensuring equity and flexibility for Virginia in developing this final rule. The cheering is on target: Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan will be the single largest action the country has taken to combat global warming.

Next, the CPP will encourage energy efficiency, as states will be working to cut the costs of many cleaner fuels such as nuclear power, natural gas, and renewable sources. A cabinet spokesman noted that the changes in emissions goals between the proposed and final rules were starkest for Kentucky among all the states, and the cabinet is “shocked” at the difference between the two plans. “We also know that the reliability of electricity is called into question, because we’re so reliant on coal fired power”, Capito said.

Senators Isakson and Daines are cosponsors of the Affordable Reliable Electricity Now Act, a bill that, amongst other things, could slow the EPA’s implementation of the President’s new rule.


States will have until 2018, an extra year, to submit a final plan to reduce emissions. “We need sufficient clean water for drinking water, recreation and to help our economy flourish with manufacturing, farming, tourism, and other economic sectors”.

Nation, state moving away from coal