
6000 law enforcement officers providing security in Cleveland

“It is a remarkable thing”. But the killings, following the murder of five police officers in Dallas earlier this month, reinforced impressions that the nation is teetering on a crisis driven by deep racial, economic and political polarization.


A press conference at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland by Paul Manafort, manager of Trump’s campaign, and Jeff Larson, CEO of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, was delayed in part so it did not clash with the timing of Obama’s televised remarks on the the Louisiana attacks.

Clinton says it’s important that people not turn their backs on each other, but stand together and reject violence. While officially presenting his vice presidential running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, he detoured frequently to hit Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and tout his own business record.

As the crowds in downtown Cleveland’s Playhouse Square district began to swell on Sunday afternoon in preparation for the Republican National Convention this week, the focus on security and law enforcement was palpable. Members of several groups that will be protesting near the Republican Convention have said they plan to open carry firearms.

Trump has thrilled supporters with a willingness to hurl insults at Democrats and Republican alike, tearing them down them with pet nicknames: “Little Marco” and “Crooked Hillary” among them. His blunt tone and aggressive approach to immigration and terrorism has done the same with key segments of general election voters: women, blacks and Hispanics, especially. Christie, who is heading Trump’s transition team, is among more than a dozen scheduled speakers who will rally the party’s base at the convention.

J.R. Jones of Jackson doesn’t expect to see many other fellow African-American delegates or alternates at the Republican National Convention this week.

“It’s kinda nice”, state party chairman Ed Cox said, citing Trump. “All I know is that Donald called me and told me he was going with Gov. Pence and I told him OK and I was looking forward to doing the transition and we had a great conversation”. “It’s allowed some division within the party, and I’m hopeful that could be healed in Cleveland”.

The theme of Monday’s convention session is “Make America Safe Again”.

But Jones also said the GOP needs to “look more like America”. Vice presidential pick Mike Pence is slated to speak Wednesday.

It’s questionable they have that level of support, and even if they managed to force a roll call vote, it is not likely to succeed. While an official printed convention program features Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Sen. Rob Portman near the front, neither will speak or even appear inside the convention hall.

Though rumors abounded that Tim Tebow would speak at the RNC, on Thursday the football star denied the reports in an Instagram video. “He could very easily do some kind of executive order or something – I don’t care if it’s constitutional or not at this point”. But the next four days would undeniably be Trump’s moment – a week at the pinnacle of American politics that few could have imagined when the NY billionaire entered the race a year ago.

Unruh, one of the leaders of the “Stop Trump” movement said they’ll still make their voices are heard. He’s not a natural with a teleprompter and can come across as rather flat when he’s reading from a script. Watch to see if he can find a comfortable middle ground – maintaining the tell-it-like-it-is style that has endeared him to some voters while toning down the excesses that have turned off others.


“I think he would have to be a lot more clear on his policies”, Hall said.

LIVE: NJ delegates arrive in Cleveland for RNC