
Gunman who killed 3 was ‘seeking out’ officers

The man who killed three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on Sunday was a former marine who served in Iraq. The gunman was identified as Gavin Long of Kansas City, Missouri, who was black.


In addition to the three officers killed, three other officers were also wounded in the shooting, which may have occurred on Long’s 29th birthday.

Although Baton Rouge is “hundreds of miles away from Boston, the pain and suffering caused by the loss of these officers in the line of duty is felt deeply by the men and women of the BPD”, Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said Sunday.

This year’s tally has spiked significantly just this month: Two bailiffs, both deputized by the sheriff there, were killed in a MI courthouse last week, not long after the five police officers were fatally shot in Dallas. He said police were contacted about a man “carrying a weapon, carrying a rifle” at about 8:40 a.m. and soon saw the gunman, wearing all black.

Sheriff Deputy Nicholas Tullier was “still critical” and is being cared for at Our Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge.

Long sought to change his name a year ago in a document filed in May 2015 with the recorder of deeds in Jackson County, Missouri.

Long also left behind a social media trail showing that he apparently believed that black people had to physically resist mistreatment from authorities, saying that sometimes it was necessary “to go to war”.

The shooting less than a mile from police headquarters added to the tensions across the country between the black community and police. Multiple law enforcement officers were killed and wounded Sunday morning in a shooting near a gas station in Baton Rouge. For many in Baton Rouge, the police have been viewed as overly aggressive and unrepresentative of a city where more than half the 230,000 residents are black.

University of Alabama spokesman Chris Bryant said Long also attended the University of Alabama for one semester, in the spring of 2012.

The group describes itself as a sovereign nation composed of blacks descended from ancestors who settled in North American before Columbus, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. When people you know begin to question your integrity you realize they don’t really know you at all.

According to news reports, Jackson had just celebrated his 10th year with the Baton Rouge Police Department and had just welcomed a baby boy. The agony and suffering that I witnessed in Baton Rouge, for it to come back now from roads that I had just traveled, brings the point home even more. “Look, there’s something going on, and the words are not often OK, by the way”. “We don’t want to talk specifics of deployments or tactics”, Kazem said.

As I stood in a church pulpit on Sunday with 12 mothers of police brutality victims behind me, I raised the issue of three officers that were just brutally killed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

This ambush happens after the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police less than two weeks ago and after the murder of five police officers in Dallas.


Yes. Baton Rouge Police arrested a 12-year-old boy last week who they say was the fourth suspect in a plot to kill police.

Slain Baton Rouge officer was new father