
Twitter DRAGGED Selena Gomez After She Defended Taylor Swift

Do you believe Taylor Swift is the one woman Kanye West could leave Kim Kardashian for or is this just great publicity for Kimye?


But just recently, Kanye West’s wife, Kim Kardashian released on her Snapchat account a video about West and Swift’s conversation about the song. Kanye claimed to have talked to Taylor about the controversial lyric, and she approved of the line.

West has been vilified after the song’s release.

Ever since Swift got the mic snatched out of her hand by a drunk Kanye West at the awards show, she has expertly and cunningly played the innocent victim and angelic musician who could do no wrong.

The California Penal Code Section 632, under the state’s Invasion of Privacy Act, the videos Kim Kardashian West uploaded can be subjected to violating the law.

Rumors have been flying around that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West may face going to prison for leaking the tape of Taylor Swift discussing the lyrics to Kanye’s track, “Famous”.

Tweeters everywhere followed along last week when Calvin Harris attacked Taylor Swift for “This Is What You Came For” by bringing to light her attempt at “burying” Katy Perry, whom Harris compared himself to. “And I really appreciate you telling me about it, that’s really nice”.

The video seemingly contradicts the stance Swift has taken on “Famous” for months now.

Kanye goes on to say “I mean it’s like a compliment” and admits Taylor’s feeling are more important than his lyrics.

Paramount Pictures has announced a fourth “Star Trek” film with Chris Hemsworth returning to the rebooted franchise.

The Independent contacted representatives for West, Swift and Kardashian West for comment. As we know, that never happened.

Secretly taping a phone conversation without warning is considered a felony in California. Taylor heard it for the first time when everyone else did and was humiliated.


In her Instagram post Sunday, Swift seemed as tired of the public battle as many in the public have become: “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of, since 2009”.

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