
Israel detains suspected Jewish militant without trial

“In the moment before you send that cutting article, share that vitriolic post, before carrying out an on-line lynch – consider for a moment, on the other side is a human being”, Mr Rivlin said at a memorial service for a former deputy police commissioner, who committed suicide after a public smear campaign.


The authorized system and regulation enforcement businesses have grappled with loosely organized violent Jewish extremists as assaults turned bolder through the years. The girl later died of her wounds. It was accepted by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu security cabinet.

Bernard Avishai, who teaches at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Dartmouth College, joins Here & Now’s Robin Young to discuss the issue of Jewish extremism, Israel’s crackdown and the future of the extremist subculture.

Currently, 379 of the 5,686 Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jail are on administrative detention, according to official figures.

Here’s a look at the phenomenon and what it means for Israel. Meyer was not indicted but two others were.

None of the three were accused of direct involvement in last week’s firebombing of a Palestinian home in the occupied West Bank in which an 18-month-old boy was killed, sparking an worldwide outcry over Israel’s failure to get to grips with violence by hardline Jewish settlers.

Israel has responded with outrage. He has since expressed regret for his words. Administrative detention allows for arrests without charges and enables the incarceration of suspects for undefined periods of time without sufficient evidence to try them.The attacks, known as “price tags” because they exact a price for Israeli steps seen as favourable to the Palestinians, have stirred fear in Palestinians and frustration among criticsof Israel’s reaction.

He continued, “Only last week Netanyahu approved more West Bank construction after several buildings in the illegal settlements were demolished as determined by a court ruling”.

A firebombing that killed a Palestinian toddler and critically injured his sleeping family.

The attacks have been condemned by the entire political spectrum as well as the mainstream settler leadership.

Anwar said the Palestinian people were very angry over the incident and urged the Israeli government to take responsibility.

It’s not entirely clear. Shin Bet would not say whether Ettinger was a suspect in the West Bank arson attack.

There have also been more organised groups such as Lehava, which opposes fraternisation between Jews and gentiles. In a Thursday blog post before his arrest, he denied Shin Bet’s accusation that he leads an extremist group.

In many ways, Ettinger’s grandfather is the godfather of modern Jewish militancy.

The Israeli government and the U.S. State Department both designated the Kach party and its offshoot, Kahane Chai, (Kahane lives) as terror organizations.

His father is a rabbi at two religious schools in Jerusalem. A year earlier, Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein gunned down 29 Palestinians praying in the Ibrahimi Mosque, revered by Jews as the Cave of the Patriarchs.

He is one of three hardline activists to be arrested in recent days.

Across the board, there has been an outpouring of condemnation and grief. As such, they are obligated to also prevent attacks that can be foreseen, stop the offenders in real-time, and testify to the police and in court after the fact.

Shin Bet declined to comment on whether Meyer was connected to that attack.

More and more, such assaults have spilled over into Israel, the place Christian and Muslim websites have been focused, in addition to communities and establishments advocating coexistence between Arabs and Jews.


Stay on topic – This helps keep the thread focused on the discussion at hand. So we need to use stronger tools, with the understanding that we’re compromising some of our basic rights.

Family members of Ali Saad Dawabsheh outside their home in a West Bank Palestinian village after an arson attack that killed the 18-month-old boy