
Chris Christie praises pick of Mike Pence to MI delegates

Donald Trump’s political union with Mike Pence, who was announced Friday as his running mate, arrived with a new campaign logo that is drawing titters from cheeky tweeters.


“What a difference between Crooked (Democratic presumptive nominee) Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence”, Trump said.

Pence has released some financial information in a disclosure required under in state law; he also filed federal forms for the 10 years he served in Congress. But none of those filings provide the level of detail that would be contained in tax returns.

The Trump campaign has replaced its Trump-Pence ticket logo with something that’s a little less… suggestive. One of Donald Trump’s hallmarks is that he’s an outsider. Ted Cruz as his running mate.

“Last time I saw him speaking, he told us if my guy doesn’t win, I’m going to come back and go Jersey on you guys”, said Kowall.

And while Trump’s rhetoric and unconventional campaign led many top Republicans to skip the convention and refuse to back Trump, Doherty said there’s a simple reason the GOP should unite and support the real estate mogul and former Atlantic City casino tycoon. Apologies aside, Justice Ginsburg’s comments illustrated how politicized the federal judiciary has become, and both Pence and Trump are on the same page in opposing the runaway federal judiciary. That was Pence on Twitter in December after Trump proposed a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S.

On its own, the muddled lead-up to Saturday’s announcement is unlikely to impact Trump’s standing in his general election fight with Democrat Hillary Clinton. Those in Trump’s camp who advocated for Pence framed his selection as a step toward party unity, touting his popularity among conservatives, including those who were skeptical of Trump and supported other candidates during the bruising Republican primary battle. This provides an additional reason to oppose immigration from these countries, because we do not want any immigrant groups that have far more men than women.

There were no “Trump Pence” signs distributed to the crowd or adorning the room.


“Now… we’re certainly not a backwater – we’re at the cutting edge”, said Rokita, who was twice elected IN secretary of state before winning a seat IN Congress. “But I will tell you that other states are looming ever larger IN our review mirror”. But his hard line ideology is sometimes at odds with Trump. After days of his aides saying he hadn’t made a final decision, the billionaire called Pence Thursday afternoon to offer him the job, but hours later postponed their first appearance after a truck attack killed 84 people in Nice, France. Priebus says that’s when Trump will likely speak at the GOP convention, which starts Monday. Pence also relied on the October 21 testimony of FBI Director James Comey before the House Committee on Homeland Security.

Trump-Pence campaign logo is raising eyebrows