
Police come under gunfire at gun shop outside Atlanta

No injuries were reported and four suspects have been apprehended at the Deercreek Gunshop in Marietta, just northwest of Atlanta, Marietta police Officer Brittany Wallace told The Associated Press.


Police responding to a break-in at a gun store in Marietta, Ga., were shot at early Tuesday morning during a tense stand off that ended when the county’s SWAT used anarmored vehicle to enter the store. No one was hit by the gunfire.

UPDATE [8:32 a.m.]: Police are still on the scene searching for a fifth person in the incident, according to Channel 2 Action News.

Co-Owners of the Gun Shop are glad the police department were able to react the way they did, and catch them so the guns didn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Marietta Police Department is on the scene at the Deer Creek Gun Shop located at 280 Fairground St. One officer returned fire but no suspects or officers were injured in the exchange.

In addition to Marietta police, Cobb police and the Cobb Sheriff’s office present during the standoff.

Wallace added, “We’ve been taking extra precautions everyday”.


Rabun praised law enforcement’s response after SWAT cleared the area.

Shots Fired At Marietta Police During Attempted Gun Store Robbery