
Giuliani: Trump came to New York’s aid anonymously

“I don’t want you to miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to see your name highlighted at the 2016 GOP convention”. Trump’s campaign sent a statement early Tuesday that stressed a team of writers had crafted it, but the statement didn’t explain why parts of his wife’s speech mirrored the first lady’s. That was the same line Trump running mate Mike Pence started using on several occasions Saturday and on “60 Minutes” on Sunday night.


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani defended Donald Trump’s plan to secure the border and said that Hillary Clinton would take the opposite approach.

Giuliani also said Trump is the leader the USA needs to defeat the Islamic State. “This is a good man!” “I wouldn’t. Would you?” he said. In a bout of intensity, Giuliani asked what happened to there’s no black America, there’s no white America – there’s just America!

The shooter, Micah Johnson, apparently sought to avenge the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in suburban Minnesota-both of them black men.

For African Americans and many other people of color, that would hardly be a positive because of the heightened racial profiling that occurred in NY when Giuliani was mayor. “He will make America, like the president I worked for Ronald Reagan, once again be the shining City on the Hill”. Channeling his inner Trump, Giuliani said, “I did not say all of Islam”. All the promises made by people who aren’t Donald Trump will be gone. This makes it all the more surprising that Trump supporters like Rudolph Giuliani and Sheriff David Clarke doubled down last night on the racist rhetoric of crime control and “blue lives matter”.

“We reach out our arms with understanding and passion to those who have lost loved ones because of police shootings”, he said.

LEWANDOWSKI’S SHOT: Before he was sacked as Donald Trump’s campaign manager, there was little secret that Corey Lewandowski and Trump’s new backstage boss, Paul Manafort, didn’t get along.


There were also some harsh words for Hillary Clinton Monday night from the mother of one of the Americans who was killed in the attack on a US mission in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012. “He was yelling ‘Allahu Akbar.’ The only person who couldn’t figure out this was an Islamic terrorist extremist attack was Barack Obama, who called it workplace violence”. We are giving them the money – are we insane?

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani at the Republican National Convention