
Director, producer Garry Marshall dies

He was 81 years old.


Marshall was best known for directing the television series “Happy Days” and romantic comedies “Pretty Woman”, and “The Princess Diaries”.

In recent years, he created a franchise of movies revolving around holidays, including 2010′s Valentine’s Day, 2011′s New Year’s Eve, and most recently, Mother’s Day this year.

He had three kids with wife Barbara Marshall, and his sister was actress Penny Marshall. In 1970, he adapted Neal Simon’s play The Odd Couple for TV.

Garry Marshall in 2014.

According to TMZ, Marshall died at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 19th due to complications from pneumonia.

Marshall also had an on-screen presence, using his NY accent and gruff delivery in colorful supporting roles in movies that included “Lost in America” and “Soapdish”.

He also wrote for The Dick Van Dyke Show and The Lucy Show.

Alongside Pretty Woman, he directed Runaway Bride – which also starred Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.

Marshall was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1997 for his work on Happy Days and the many other TV shows he worked on during his career.

“And no one is a finer or funnier chronicler of friendship – male or female (or alien)”.


TV Legend and film producer Garry Marshall has passed away, according to multiple reports.

Garry Marshall