
Ben Carson: Say No to Hillary Clinton-and to Lucifer

Donald Trump Jr. delivered a real stem-winder at Tuesday night’s Republican National Convention, but he introduced himself at “the father of five young children. and the son of a great man”.


Alinsky, the subject of Clinton’s college thesis, was a liberal community organizer.

“On the dedication page it acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical who gained his own kingdom”.

Carson went on to ask the crowd, “Are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer?”

American voters must also think about “What would Hillary Clinton do if she was in fact president”, Carson said before concluding she would have a “deleterious effect” for years to come because of her ability to appoint judges on both a federal level as well as the Supreme Court. “The secular progressive agenda is antithetical to the principles of the founding of this nation”, he said.

“Donald Trump, he understands this very well”. He understands that the blessings of this nation come with the responsibility to ensure that they are available to all, not just a privileged few.

“We the people have the necessary obligation to fight this”, Carson concluded.

The official theme of the evening, “Make America Work Again”, is completely missing in action.

He added, “For thousands of years, mankind has known what a man is and what a woman is”.


Transgender people, contrary to what Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, suggested, do not “wake up” one day all of a sudden feeling like they are a different gender. According to The Hill, on Monday (July 18), Carson said that it “doesn’t make any sense”. “And that’s something that’s going to change”, said Dr. Carson. And, this is what we, the people, have the necessary obligation to fight.

Dr. Ben Carson talks about Donald Trump's poll numbers