
Republicans formally nominate Trump for presidency

Make it official: The Republican Party has nominated Donald Trump for president.


Mr Trump is expected to be formally nominated as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate.

Cannon cited Melania Trump’s business experience in modeling and thinks she has the poise to be a historic first lady.

But to borrow the parlance of Trump the businessman, the deal will nearly certainly be sealed Tuesday night. Republicans will be closely watching House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has endorsed Trump despite disagreeing with him on numerous issues.

The RNC band played “New York, New York” as the screen at the top of the arena displayed the words “over the top” and delegates cheered.

Before delivering the speech, Melania Trump had told Today’s Matt Lauer in an exclusive interview, “I read once over it, and that’s all, because I wrote it – with as little help as possible”.

With Trump supporters successfully putting down an attempted insurgent campaign to change the rules Monday, Trump’s name should be the only one placed in nomination.

There was a disruptive fight on Monday night over the party’s rules, but a day later that was history.

On Monday, the floor flight gave way to a lineup of hard-edged, prime-time speeches in which Republicans painted a grim picture of the country’s future and an evener darker view of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

The theme of Tuesday’s convention was “Make America Work Again”, and speakers were to take aim at Obama’s record on the economy.

So as the convention chairman calls the roll of the states Tuesday evening – a usually formulaic ritual marked with a bit more suspense this year – the outcome is all but certain.

Clinton was a key figure for the convention – one who is disdained by elements of the Republican Party that are at odds over Trump, and therefore perhaps the best hope for GOP unity as the week and the campaign progress.

Trump narrowed his deficit against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to 7 percentage points from 15 points late last week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday. “That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son, and we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them”.

The Trump campaign has denied Melania Trump intentionally plagiarized the speech.

She generated a lot of buzz with her well-received speech and, later, a controversy over some of her remarks.


But forces that oppose his nomination are working delegates in Cleveland to organize a protest to voice their displeasure with him and the process that brought him here. But the weeklong gathering pales in comparison to the scope of a president’s responsibilities as head of the US government.

Melania Trump