
Protesters raise Pakistani flags in Indian Kashmir

The speakers, in a unanimous resolution, condemned the killings of innocent Kashmiri people in occupied Valley by Indian forces, and urged the government to call a joint session of parliament to covey a strong message to the worldwide community that “Pakistan stands with Kashmiris in their just cause”. Saeed on Tuesday also vowed to march towards Jammu and Kashmir.


He also said that India’s claim that the crisis in Kashmir was its internal problem, was ridiculous. The Pakistan People’s Party is now in power in PoK and Sharif’s PML-N party has launched a concerted bid to win the polls.

Addressing the rally, Union Council (UC) Chairman Syed Rafaqat Ali Gillani said that Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and no effort would be spare in the struggle for its freedom. “India has no other option but to accept its defeat”.

“No one should be allowed to violate the principles of humanity”, said Nawaz.

According to a government circular, all officials of the federal and provincial governments shall wear black arm bands while performing their duties to express political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiris.

Reports suggested that Pakistani diaspora will lodge strong protests in front of the national Parliaments of their respective host countries and the United Nations organisations, while Pakistani missions overseas will sensitise the local media as well as various caucuses in different regions on the Kashmir issue.

The ongoing crisis in Kashmir was sparked by the killing of a prominent separatist militant, Burhan Wani. Sharif and his cabinet decided last week to observe the “black day” on July 19 but as Pakistan observes the day as “Kashmir’s Accession day”, the “black day” was moved to Wednesday.

He further said that India can not, under any circumstances, refer to the problem of Kashmir as their internal issue.

The founder of the Lashkar-e-Taiba who carries a Dollars 10-million bounty on his head again demanded the Pakistan government immediately suspend “diplomatic and trade” ties with India, expel the Indian ambassador here and recall its envoy from New Delhi.


In his message, Sharif said, “Today we are observing Black Day to express solidarity with Kashmiris and are giving a strong message to the world that Pakistanis are with them (Kashmiris) for their struggle to get their rights”. On the government’s order, Pakistani missions overseas will hold ceremonies there to draw world’s attention towards Kashmir. He condemned the latest wave of atrocities committed by the Indian security forces in the held valley in particular and human rights; violations against other minorities like Sikhs, low-caste Hindus, Christians and Muslims in general. “Human rights violations are now an worldwide issue”. They demand an end to violence against the Kashmiris. He said Kashmiris had been fighting for Pakistan and therefore, they would not be left abandoned.

2 Killed After Security Forces Fire At Protesters In Kashmir