
Indonesia’s presidential palace bans playing of ‘Pokemon Go’

Despite Pokemon Go not yet being officially available in Indonesia, many have downloaded it illegally and taken to the streets to hunt for virtual “pocket monsters”.


Pokemon GO has caused all kinds of problems for gamers as well as those not even playing the game. “He told police investigators he was playing Pokemon Go while jogging”, said Yusri.

Indonesian police say they detained a Frenchman who trespassed on a military base while playing the augmented reality game “Pokemon Go”.

“At first, it (Pokemon Go) appears cute but the longer you see… it is just not right”. If anything this story could help enforce China’s point in which some have expressed concerns over the game and how it could be used to uncover the country’s military bases.

“We are anxious that police officers may become addicted and we don’t want that because a police officer’s duty is to serve the public. The job requires hard work and concentration”, national police spokesman Boy Rafli Amar said when announcing the ban.

Indonesian Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu also stressed that the gaming capabilities of “Pokemon Go” could be extended to spying activities.

At the presidential palace, press chief Bey Machmudin said the ban had been introduced as “this is the president’s office not a playground”.

He cited the threat of militant attacks, such as a suicide bombing in a police station compound in the city of Solo earlier this month, as one of the considerations.


“Pokemon Go”, which uses Google Maps and a smartphone to overlay reality with Pokemon creatures, has been a blockbuster hit in the USA and other countries where it is available.

French Man Detained for Breaching Cirebon Military Base in Search of Pokémon