
Search Continues for Murder Suspect After His Escape from a Florida Courthouse

In a statement Saturday, Broward Sheriff’s Office says that 21-year-old Dayonte Resiles is armed and he did not act alone in his escape.


An accused murderer who faces a possible death sentence escaped from the Broward County Courthouse in Florida on Friday morning and a manhunt was underway, the Broward Sheriff’s Office said.

It is still unknown how Resiles shed his handcuffs and leg shackles. “We know that Resiles had accomplices”.

He said search warrants are being served and the focus remains on South Florida, but Resilies could be anywhere.

The department is aggressively pursuing anyone involved in Resiles’ escape.

“I’ve directed our criminal investigations division to charge anyone, when it becomes applicable, that they aided and abetted this fleeing murder suspect”.

He also announced a $10,000 reward from Crimestoppers for information leading to the capture of Resiles.

Once inside the courtroom, he was guarded by two unarmed bailiffs who were also watching over several other defendants, authorities said.

“We will leave no stone unturned”, Israel told reporters. “Our folks are working around the clock”.

Resiles had been charged with murdering 59-year-old Jill Halliburton Su, whose death was initially classified as a suicide.

He has a number of tattoos including images of flames, a skull and hand, an angel and stars with the phrase Hood Stars. If you would like to discuss another topic, look for a relevant article.

Israel detailed the roles that the suspects played in Resiles’ getaway. “Inundate our call takers with calls”. He recalled the moment when Resiles left the group of inmates.

The driver, Russell, had a change of clothes waiting for Resiles that included a police uniform.

As of late Friday afternoon, Resiles remained at large.


Police said two 17-year-old accomplices, who were juveniles, sat in the courtroom Friday to signal when the getaway auto was in place at a pre-determined location near the courthouse, the Sun Sentinel reported.

Resiles was accused of murdering Jill Halliburton Su who was found stabbed to death in the bathtub at her upscale mansion in September 2014