
The Black Lives Matter protest group was formed from the lie tha

“I’m out here in support of the movement”. It says that the lives of people of all other races are unimportant.


A small group of Black Lives Matter supporters take to the streets of Lexington Tuesday to spread their message in a peaceful protest.

Truthfully, all lives matter.

This is also an important word, because it is inclusive, not exclusive.

The former husband of singer Mariah Carey stood in front of banners and posters calling for justice and an end to shootings of black men by police.

“It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter”. Make our cry “All people matter”. These murders include blacks, Hispanics and whites.

“It’s just really heartbreaking to see that so many people in our community now don’t appreciate the fact that we put on our badge and our clothes and we go out to serve and protect in the community”, he said.

The comments come in the wake of the fatal shooting of police officers in Dallas, Texas, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, though none of the attacks have been directly tied to the Black Lives Matter movement.

“That’s what it all boils down to, and when I see you protesting in a small town that doesn’t have any issue, why try to fix something that’s not broken?” That is what I think we should be aiming for.

“We’re exhausted, when you have four or five people getting shot – police – four or five people die from getting shot…we’re exhausted, we want change”, she said. Biden did not offer detail about the complaints, but said Obama stressed how he has repeatedly voiced support for law enforcement and offered to send critics a list of when he has done so.

Parts of the town hall were testy, even acrimonious, but at least people were talking to each other, not about each other.


But Vincent, who uses the name Vincentchapters in photography, said the protest reflected the current mood of “frustration” among the city’s youth that followed the Brexit decision and news of police violence in the U.S. “Take a look at the undercurrents of racism and xenophobia sweeping across the world that caused lower income Brits to vote to leave the European Union and Austria nearly elect a rumored Nazi sympathizer”, he writes.

Black police officers praised for protecting 'racist&#039 White Lives Matter protest