
Republican convention starts in Cleveland under tight security

“Hillary Clinton can not be trusted”. You can bet Trump critics will dredge up all the nasty things they said about Trump during the primaries.


The would-be next President of the United States is not expected to speak until the final day, but members of his family and running-mate Mike Pence are expected to whip up a flurry of anti-Obama and Hillary Clinton sentiment beforehand. That requires a heavy dose of negativity.

“The voters throughout the country in the presidential primaries for the Republicans overwhelmingly thought and believed that Donald Trump is the change that’s needed”, DeFrancisco said. “We must not be indifferent to each other”, Clinton said in a statement.

It wasn’t until Melania delivered the speech on Monday night that the original speechwriters saw what little was left of the draft they submitted. Ryan has sought to make clear that members of Congress have different priorities than their nominee.

“But hey, I’m a positive guy”, he said.

The list of speakers at the Republican Convention is expected to be tiresome. “Attacks on police are an attack on all of us and the rule of law that makes society possible”, Obama said. “And, yes, a better one than her dad”. Trump said that there was “definitely something going on there also”. “It still comes down to the contest of ideas”.

Sure, it was a seemingly arcane fight, and it took place before the networks went with live coverage, but it demonstrated the tensions that remain in the GOP even as the billionaire real estate developer prepares to accept the nomination this week. House Speaker Paul Ryan, who was also the 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee, will speak on Tuesday night, as will House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions joined the effort, describing Trump in his remarks as a man who “is positive by nature”. Outside the convention, the violence that many predicted has yet to materialise.

Speakers on Monday and Tuesday condemned the state of the country – Obama and Clinton in particular- in harshly negative terms.

Some socially conservative delegates – many backers of Texas Sen. McKoon says he has always felt extremely safe at past conventions.

Christie gave his first public comments since Trump’s decision after a private speech Sunday at a hotel near where Republicans are gathering for this week’s convention in Cleveland.

Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Assn.’s lobbying arm, warned the delegates that “we live in unsafe times”, casting access to guns as the solution.

He cast the crowd as her jury, asking delegates over and over for a verdict.

The chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, Matt Borges, immediately fired back on Twitter, noting Kasich’s approval in surveys of Ohio voters and suggesting Manafort “still has a lot to learn about Ohio politics”.

The tallying of the votes was followed by a display of Trump’s two-track persuasion effort: Testimonials vouching for his character – delivered by his family – and searing indictments of Clinton’s character – delivered by the rest of the party. As the nation reeled in recent weeks over shootings of Americans by police, and later the multiple shootings of police, Trump asserted that the world was spinning apart and that almost a dozen cities were on the verge of exploding.

Trump’s fans are receptive to those arguments, as his nomination shows.

The circumstances only add to the attention placed on Trump and his politically incorrect and unscripted campaign, which has successfully tapped into a wave of populist anger that few others saw as the race for president began more than a year ago.

“It’s really unfortunate that this is such a negative campaign”, said Republican pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson.

Even as Hill’s tweet rocketed around social media, Donald Trump tweeted his praise for her performance.


She thanked the crowd for “the warm welcome” and said her husband was “moved by this great honour”. “The platform that was passed in this past week that will be adopted by the convention”, Manafort said. Violent crime has fallen by more than half over the past 20 years, the economy is growing at a steady, unspectacular rate, illegal border crossings are at a low level, there are signs of racial progress for those who want to see them. I don’t call it a floor fight.

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