
Gears of War 4 gets new campaign gameplay footage

Microsoft has released a new trailer for the upcoming Xbox One and Windows 10 shooter Gears of War 4.


The video, below, confirms that daddy Marcus Fenix comes along for the ride during at least one point in the game.

Obviously we’ve seen the original hero Marcus mentioned before, but this is the first time we get to see him actively contributing in gameplay.

If you’re heading to San Diego Comic-Con this weekend and are chomping at the bit for some games, you’re in luck.

The windflare is basically a lightning tornado so to speak, so it is constantly changing the environment you are fighting in. If you do want to watch it, or can’t resist, check it out just below. There are also some impressive weather effects that not only affect how JD moves through the world, but random pieces of debris can be seen flying through the air.


For starters, the campaign looks far more impressive and focused than any previous campaign in the series since the original Gears of War- it nearly seems to be channeling that game, or even Naughty Dog‘s Uncharted franchise.

Gears of War 4