
Struggle to unify GOP evident as convention opens

A woman arrives at Quicken Loans Arena as preparations take place for the Republican National Convention, Sunday, July 17, 2016, in Cleveland.


Kasich – the last member of the crowded GOP primary to end his campaign and whose exit from the race cleared the path for Trump’s nomination – doesn’t appear to be taking the bait. As of Monday, there is no credible threat to the convention, Cleveland Mayor Frank Johnson told ABC’s “This Week”.

Signaling a potentially boisterous start to the Republican convention, anti-Trump delegates claimed on Monday that they’d collected enough signatures of delegates to force a state-by-state roll call vote on changing party rules, a battle that party leaders hoped to avoid.

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon). Andy Sandy wears an RNC hat and pair of American flag glasses while walking around, Sunday, July 17, 2016, in Cleveland. Clinton is expected to be nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia next week.

The Trump campaign has not yet released a full list of convention speakers, or say who will speak when, but plenty of Republicans you might otherwise expect are skipping the show – including the GOP’s two living ex-presidents and its last three presidential nominees.

Trump has thrilled supporters with a willingness to hurl insults at Democrats and Republicans alike: “Little Marco” (Rubio) and “Crooked Hillary” among them.

All of it makes the convention starting Monday must-see TV. As for the candidate himself, the buzz isn’t so much about global relations but the relationship between the two men at the top of the ticket – Donald Trump and Mike Pence. “Come, say whatever it is that you want to say, make whatever point it is that you want to make, but it’s going to be very, very hard to deal with the it is”.

Speaking at the White House, President Barack Obama said that with the Republican convention this week followed next week by the Democratic convention in Philadelphia, political rhetoric would likely be more overheated than usual. “She cares about her family”, Manafort said.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, who will speak at the convention noted the rising public anxiety after the latest shootings.

“We’re going to win so big” said Trump.

She also sought to put a more human face on a candidate many voters see as brash and egotistical. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, as well as immigration advocates, a marine who fought in the Benghazi attack and entertainers, including actor Scott Baio and Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty. Delegates were due to vote Monday afternoon on the rules that will govern the convention week, and insurgent delegates circulated a petition on Monday trying to force a state-by-state vote – a move that could disrupt floor proceedings even if they fail. Some delegates left the convention floor after the convention’s presiding officer, Arkansas Rep. Steve Womack, shut down the opponents by saying the rules had been approved by a voice vote. That number includes 1,448 delegates required under party rules to vote for Trump on the first ballot, and 95 unbound delegates who have publicly endorsed Trump.

The anti-tump campaigners shouted: “roll call vote”, while the pro-Trump supporters responded with chants of: “USA, USA”.

Uniting the crowd is scorn for Clinton. ABC News coverage of the Republican National Convention The reasons why is reflected in the theme – “Keep America Safe”.

“We want America to understand who Donald Trump the man is, not just Donald Trump the candidate”, said campaign chairman Paul Manafort. “But campaign officials undermined their own effort Monday by picking a fight with Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is not attending the convention and has yet to endorse Trump”.

As the party holds its national convention in Cleveland this week, many Americans may be asking that question – including, perhaps, a lot of Republican leaders and activists. That’s embarrassing, Manafort said.


Trump often cites his opposition to the war as evidence of his judgment on foreign policy – despite evidence that he actually supported the invasion early on. He drew attention from news media as Cleveland police officers milled nearby and a line of around 60 police bicyclists took a break before pedaling off. Williams said there had been no violence and no property damage.

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