
Clinton compares GOP convention to ‘Wizard of Oz’ movie

Christie was widely expected to be among the leading contenders for the Republican nomination when he first kicked off his presidential campaign more than a year ago. “Give ya a few more minutes, we’ll get there”. “We have always been masters of our own”.


Donald Trump Jr. lit a fire under the crowd at the Republican National Convention Tuesday night – lacing into Hillary Clinton and praising his father as the “only” choice for president.

Speaking at the Republican Convention in Cleveland on Tuesday night, Mr Christie invoked his past as a federal prosecutor to press the Republican case against Hillary Clinton.

“We can not reward incompetence and deceit”, Christie continued.

“Here it is everybody, we didn’t disqualify Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States”.

She also warned that Donald Trump would undercut the Dodd-Frank Act passed six years ago this week by US Congress in response to the financial crisis. His reputation has sunk in New Jersey, where he has an all-time low approval rating of 26%.

Portraits of the softer side of Trump, however, have been fleeting moments in a convention with a clear, hard edge.

“Time after time after time, the facts, and just the facts, lead you to the same verdict both around the world and here at home”, Christie said. He listed what he called foreign policy failures, pointing to the detente with Cuba and faltered relations with Russian Federation. He began his day defending the campaign to a national audience amid accusations that Melania Trump plagiarized her Monday night convention speech and ended it savaging Clinton and declaring his pride of Trump, whom he called a “caring, genuine and decent person”.

Watch out, “Make America Great Again”, the delegates at the Republican National Convention are warming up to a new favorite slogan: “Lock her up”.

“Lock her up!” chants rang out after delegates leaped from their seats to scream, “Guilty”, each time Christie recited situations in a bid to make the case against electing Clinton in November.

Christie said “93 percent of the speech is completely different” during an interview on NBC’s “Today” show.

He claimed Clinton as secretary of state emboldened al-Qaida in Nigeria and failed to block terrorists from gaining ground in Libya.


Honkala, who was the vice presidential candidate for the Green Party in 2012, said “the Clintons have done enough damage”, and America needed to break free from the two-party system. The tallying of the votes was followed by a display of Trump’s two-track persuasion effort: Testimonials vouching for his character – delivered by his family – and searing indictments of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton’s character – delivered by the rest of the party. “That’s his job right now”, said Richard Miller, a third delegate from New Jersey.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump shown during a May 5 rally in West Virginia said refugees from Syria'could be the all-time great Trojan horse following Sunday's mass shooting at a Florida night club. The shooter Omar Mateen repor