
Republicans accuse Federal Bureau of Investigation of double standard in investigating Clinton

Whereas Ms. Lynch will face the email examination at the House Judiciary Committee in connection with her meeting with former President Bill Clinton Prior her appointment with the FBI Director James Comey.


“Our committee’s work is done”, Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told reporters after the roughly hourlong meeting, which went on behind closed doors and was interrupted by a 40-minute lockdown of the Capitol.

Ryan, a Republican vice presidential candidate in 2012, said he was aware Clinton would begin receiving classified intelligence briefings after the Democratic National Convention if she is formally nominated as expected. Author Ben Stein joined The John Gibson Show today to offer his take on the matter.

Mr Comey said his FBI team had conducted its investigation of Ms Clinton “in an apolitical and professional way” and he had no reason to believe she had lied to the FBI.

Hillary Clinton lied. Over and over again.

He said during a press conference on Tuesday that while FBI investigators found no “direct evidence” that Clinton’s email domain was successfully hacked, he assessed that “it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account”.

Chaffetz added that he would forward Clinton’s testimony before the House Benghazi Committee to the FBI to investigate whether or not she lied under oath to Congress.

He did not respond to questions about Mr. Comey’s rebuttal of the main arguments Mrs. Clinton has offered in defense of her use of private email.

“I stand by what I said: I did not send or receive any material marked classified”, Clinton told ABC News, in a series of interviews Friday after the shootings in Dallas that also touched on the investigation into her email system.

FBI Director James Comey is set to make his first appearance before Congress since announcing the agency’s recommendation to not prosecute Hillary Clinton over her private email setup.

“Given the FBI’s findings, denying Secretary Clinton access to classified information certainly constitutes appropriate sanctions”, Ryan said in the letter.

Comey says there was only one precedent in the past 100 years for prosecuting on a “gross negligence” item and “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring this case.

“Its just not accurate, ” Comey said, refuting claims about bribery and special treatment.


The Clinton campaign said that it was pleased by the FBI’s announcement and said that the Republican-led call for Comey’s hearing was a “taxpayer-funded sham of an inquiry” meant to hurt Clinton politically.
