
GoP debate: All slam Obama stand on illegal immigration

Donald Trump might be the first post-policy candidate for U.S. president.


Thursday night may have been the Donald Trump Show, but the inaugural Republican presidential debate was about more than just the boisterous billionaire businessman. They said the hackers’ temporary entry into a low-level page was not connected to any of’s navigational components, compromised no corporate information and was fixed in less than 30 minutes. In a roomful of Republicans determined to repeal Obamacare, Kasich was cheered when he said he used the money to save money: treating the mentally ill (who cost $22,000 a year sitting in prison), rehabbing the drug-addicted and getting the working poor out of expensive emergency rooms.

Trump will take center stage at during Thursday’s debate in Cleveland, Ohio. He may have been gun-shy, having been so gaffe-prone, including last week when he when he let Hillary Clinton get in jabs and lost by not winning. But Trump hedged his bets in that race. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade.

“I have a Jewish daughter”.

It’s a farcical assertion, as is Trump’s plan to build a wall along the length of the border and make Mexico pay for it. He’s standing up for America and vowing to help us recover from “incompetent leadership”, reclaim our heritage and fulfill our manifest destiny as “One nation under God”.

In a precursor to the Occupy Wall Street movement, Trump argued that that soaking the Top 1 percent is only fair.

Before the 2013 Israeli election, Trump recorded a video message endorsing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Trump acknowledged it would be tough to pass – for anybody except for him. “Vote for Benjamin – terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel”. “They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people“. He later sold the Ramat Gan property to an Israeli firm before its development.

Trump’s closest Jewish association is with his daughter Ivanka’s family. Mike Huckabee grabbed a few headlines away from Trump by denouncing the nuclear agreement with Iran with an accusation that President Barack Obama is marching Israelis to “the door of the oven”, first saying it, and then, to make sure nobody missed his lightning-rod Holocaust reference, tweeting it as well. While this may be damaging to most candidates, it likely will not be so for the Donald.

“Going backwards, that’s the only way”, she said.

In a statement, Trump’s publisher Thomas Dunne also said the book is promised to be a “meticulous and compelling account that recognizes Trump as an iconic figure of our media-dominated age, a man who parlayed unequaled fame into astounding wealth”. Cohen ignited controversy last week by suggesting that spousal rape doesn’t count as rape.

True to his form, he refused to apologize for anything at all.


“I also think there are a lot of Republicans not just in the county but nationwide that are upset because they feel the current administration is forcing policies on them that aren’t consistent with their beliefs”, he said.

Trump says he can’t recall using insults he’s made often