
Cartoonist Gary Varvel: Donald Trump’s health care stance

Republican stalwart and Fox owner Rupert Murdoch praised debate moderators Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace – while criticizing his friend Trump.


Billionaire Donald Trump has refused to rule out an independent run for the White House should he fail to win the Republican nomination, igniting the first major debate of the 2016 presidential race. “Anybody who paints with a broad brush or calls anybody names-it’s not helpful to our political process, and I don’t think those comments are appropriate”, she said.

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. But he wrote, “I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal. It just was wrong”, he said.

24 million viewers watched the debate, according to Nielsen, making it the highest-rated primary debate ever. And it called Erickson a “weak and pathetic leader”. That should give her a bump in the polls from her one to two percent standing. “We’re going to take a very serious look at it”.

As we boldly predicted in our Florida GOP Debate Drinking Game, Trump went on to declare himself the victor of the debate and retweeted his horde of supporters who concurred with this opinion.

“Those had nothing to do with politics, unlike what you’re doing by cutting speeches on the floor of the Senate, then putting them on the Internet within half an hour to raise money for your campaign”, Christie said.

The debate viewing results were not just good news for Fox.

Minutes after Trump made his dig at O’Donnell, the comedian indirectly replied to him on Twitter. “It really threw her off. She thought, you know this was going to be a cakewalk. She talks like a truck driver”, he said in 2006 during an interview with “Entertainment Tonight”.

Mr Trump stumbled on his past support for a national healthcare system but his most uncomfortable moment came when Ms Kelly challenged him on his views about women.

“I don’t have a lot of respect for Megyn Kelly, she’s a lightweight. She’s disgusting“.

Bush, not attacking Trump directly, said his language was “divisive” and won’t lead to a Republican in the White House. In any event, Trump said the bankers who lost millions deserved it because “these lenders are not babies”.

That includes even the self-funded Trump, who may stick around longer than some people in the party may prefer. “That’s to be expected“.


On some occasions Trump appears to have recognized he’s gone too far. What did he get Hillary Clinton to do?

Trump mouth open