
Pokemon Go Will Be Getting Sponsored Pokestops Soon

Unlike the original GameBoy Pokemon games, which led to players vegetating on the couch all day, Pokemon Go actually gets its players to exercise by walking around, searching for wild Pokemon to capture. Considering the fact that in a rooted device you can easily spoof the geo location to progress in the game, it is advised that you don’t. The team is also looking to improve the functionality of PokeStops and Gyms.


– When a Pokemon image appears on a screen tap it.

Switch to camera mode and scan surroundings to see Pokemon.

NeoProfessorWillow also claims to have discovered game mechanics that aren’t now available to users of the game such as legendary Pokemon, a trading system, four different berries and incense and other items.

Given that Pokemon Go has added $16.3 billion to the market value of Nintendo in the past week, maybe we’ll see a rash of games trying to emulate that success.

Pokemon Go is finally here, and one nearly every gamer’s wishlist is to get their favorite starter Pokemon.

– Once close enough, tap on the icon to enter the gym.

If a gym is controlled by a rival team, challenge the ruling Pokemon for dominance.

It only takes a few days before Pokemon Go became the most popular Android and iOS game.

Since its release last Wednesday, Pokemon Go has been downloaded an estimated 7.5 million times in the United States.

Watch out though: cybersecurity experts warn of at least one malware hack of the Pokemon Go app doing the rounds that can spy on users’ online activities and track their phone calls.


You can hatch few eggs when you are actively in the quest to grab control of the Gyms in your neighbourhood. But maybe that’s the point; the game wants you to walk. Hanke identified trading as one of those features that will work well within the game mainly because of how it can also encourage members of the gaming community to interact with each other. If you can find an area with four or five PokeStops and visit each one in a five minute loop, you can get dozens of PokeBalls (and lots of XP) in a relatively short amount of time.

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