
Speaker urges pro-Kasich Ohio delegates to support Trump

Ryan hesitated for weeks before endorsing the businessman.


Donald Trump’s campaign is advising Texas senator Ted Cruz on the content of his speech he’ll deliver at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night.

Ryan noted the state’s 20 electoral votes, telling attendees: “You could make the decision on this”.

Ryan also highlighted parts of his recently released “A Better Way” House agenda and mentioned his trip later Monday to Elyria, Cleveland, where he will visit with groups on the front lines of helping those with addictions and other problems recover.

Pence, the former member of Congress and IN governor picked to be Trump’s vice president candidate, “is a man who has the courage of his convictions”, Ryan said.

“We see a country – that I think we all see – which is not heading in the right direction”, Ryan said.

Ryan, who spoke for about 15 minutes, said the House GOP has set forth a clear agenda to tackle issues such as poverty and a welfare system that, he said, has become a “work replacement system” rather than a path to self-reliance.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin resident and Green Bay Packers fan, stood before a roomful of Pennsylvania delegates to the Republican National Convention on Monday morning and waved a Terrible Towel. He says he doesn’t agree with everything Trump says, but says it’s time to get together behind Trump.


“Everyone is equal … everyone has a place … no one is written off, because there is worth and goodness in every life”, Ryan said. “Pennsylvania’s delegation is thrilled to kick off our convention week with someone as highly respected and intelligent as Speaker Paul Ryan”. In his caption, Ryan said those pictured with him were all “Capitol Hill interns”.

I think this sets a record for the most number of interns in a single selfie