
Tappan Zee Bridge mostly reopened after collapsed crane

This particular crane – a “vibratory hammer” boom – apparently suffered a malfunction while driving pilings for the replacement Tappan Zee Bridge, a brand-new span that’s now being built alongside the old bridge in the Hudson River, with plans to open in 2018.


A construction crane is sprawled across lanes in both directions after collapsing on the Tappan Zee Bridge, Tuesday July 19, 2016, in NY.

In addition to the recent crane collapse and corruption allegations, other recent accidents and mishaps involving the Tappan Zee Bridge in NY include a serious accident involving a Bronx motorcyclist who crashed into a van in March 2016, as well as a tractor trailer that rolled over in mid-May, causing hours of lane closures and minor injuries.

A large crane used in building the new Țappan Zee bridge collapsed just after noon this afternoon and landed across all 7 lanes of the old Bridge.

A crane collapsed onto the Tappan Zee Bridge at about noon today, shutting down travel in both directions on the span. “I would not believe it”.

“As you know it’s an old bridge”, he said.

A number of vehicles were damaged in the incident and local news reports suggest up to five people were injured, including vehicle occupants and one construction worker. The crane operator was also being checked out, but seemed to be fine.

Cuomo said the crane that collapsed was using a vibratory hammer to drive in pilings when it “had an issue” that caused it to fall onto the existing bridge nearby.

He says the inspection should be done in several hours.

The crane’s collapse draws new focus to the construction of the replacement for the Tappan Zee.

Cuomo said that outside lane would remain closed during the Wednesday morning commute and could be closed for several days, pending further repairs.

A crane operator was safely recovered from the water by a Westchester County Marine unit after the collapse.

On Facebook, the Clarkstown Police Department said it expects the bridge to be closed for a few hours. “The sides of the bridges, they’re completely destroyed on both sides”, he said.

Check out video from the crane collapse at Tappan Zee Bridge near New York City here.

Nicholas D’Emealio, of Irvington, was in a vehicle about three football fields away from the crane, toward the center of the 3.1-mile-long bridge, when he heard a bang and his driver slammed on the brakes.

Rockland County Executive Ed Day says a helicopter and marine unit are at the scene of a crane collapse at the Tappan Zee (TAP’-uhn zee) Bridge in the NY suburbs.

No cars were hit by the crane’s arm as it came down.


On March 12, a tugboat smashed into a construction barge and sank, drowning the three crew members.

A giant crane sits on the Tappan Zee Bridge north of New York City after toppling around noon on Tuesday