
KY lawmakers push governor to terminate funding for Planned Parenthood

Yesterday, the Senate failed to pass a measure to strip Planned Parenthood of its $500-million plus in federal funding but Republicans have vowed to bring up the matter after the August break. The bill, sponsored by Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, sought to take the taxpayer money previously reserved for Planned Parenthood and instead give it to other women’s health care providers that do not carry out abortions.


Planned Parenthood argues these undercover videos are heavily edited and are being used as a deceptive pawn in a political battle over abortion. The group said Tuesday that Jindal’s move amounted to eliminating basic health care for thousands of low-income women. Directly contradicting the claim that Planned Parenthood only recoups its costs by the sale of fetal tissues, she says: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization…”

Members of the GOP have insinuated that they will not vote for a spending bill this fall that funds Planned Parenthood.

Camerota then stated, “of course, Planned Parenthood says that…they can’t ensure that those transcripts are accurate”. “When you see that these people are killing these babies before their born and taking body parts from them, it’s just frightful”.

Republicans are likely to try again in September to stop Planned Parenthood from getting federal funding, which is now more than 0 million a year. It shows Melissa Farrell, the director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast discussing providing fetal tissues to actors who were posing as representatives of a human biologics company. “The exact number could vary, but I’m predicting about a dozen when everything is said and done”, Daleiden told CNN.

National Right to Life President Carol Tobias said the movement against Planned Parenthood was gaining strength, calling it “a long-term project” and describing Planned Parenthood as “a major backer of many Democratic senators”.

The fact that the vote is occurring the same week as the first Republican presidential debate is being broadcast by Democrats.

Louisiana has two Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast facilities – one in Baton Rouge and the other in New Orleans.


Planned Parenthood has maintained that it’s not selling fetal tissue, but legally donating it and recouping payment for administrative fees like storage and shipping.

Senate vote to defund Planned Parenthood fails