
Donald Trump and the GOP debate: Policy is not his point

Jeb Bush’s include “rolling up his sleeves” and “working for the American people“.


Either way, many of these experts also cautioned not to underestimate the Latino voter’s ability to separate what “The Donald” says from what his challengers in both parties are saying. “And you’re going to hear from all of us tonight about what our ideas are”.

Fast-food fans had Donald Trump to thank for free tacos thanks to a special debate night promotion.

When it comes to The Trump Organization, Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide.

Other contestants fared better during the two-hour debate. Just as God raised up King Cyrus in Isaiah 45, he states that God showed him, “Trump shall become my trumpet to the American people for he possesses qualities that are even hard to find in my people these days”. There is nothing that riles a good Republican candidate like admitting that there are any poor people out there who are not to blame for their own misfortune. I admit that I would have paid admission to see Trump get a GI haircut.

“Our president doesn’t have a clue; he’s a bad negotiator”. Like the TV executive in the film “Network”, folks identify with his refrain, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna’ take it!”

Peggy went on to say her friend “knows other supporters locally and among friends of her son, an Iraq vet, They are completely disgusted and just furious, and he’s igniting their passion”. Done, done and done.

“I said we need to build a wall and it has to be built quickly”, Trump said.

A report the organization released last month noted that the foreign-born share of the population in the United States grew to 13.1 percent from 7.9 percent between 1990 and 2013. Walker, running second to Trump, cemented his pro-life credentials by insisting there is no need for an abortion exception to save the life of the mother because there are other unnamed ways to save her life. “We feel like despite our generosity, we’re being taken advantage of”, he said. Expect this line of attack to be used on Trump’s fellow Republican candidates Thursday. As usual, Trump is the one to watch. The US gives aid to numerous Middle Eastern countries, many of which have competing factions.

“I was at the border last week”. Will you be grabbing a copy of his new book?

“When did we beat Japan at anything?”

The focus in recent weeks of the Republican primary race in America has been on Donald Trump and the series of remarkable statements he has made since entering the contest.

In classic Trump fashion, the plan was big and bold.

Examples include: “I’ll be the best jobs president God’s created”.

“President Obama has talked about fundamentally transforming this country”. Discerning Americans are looking cautiously at this populist entrepreneur whose manifesto boldly proclaims ” Make America Great Again!” Rather, it seems to be “the Donald’s” style that’s raising his poll status.


What he said then: In February, Trump told Hugh Hewitt he would make “so much money” for the country that cuts to Social Security and Medicaid would be unnecessary.

One taco? Coming right