
Fallout 4 patch 1.6 arrives on PC and console; expands Codsworth’s vocabulary

We’re sure that it’s only a matter of time before someone makes a YouTube video featuring all of the new ones, but until then, be sure to try out as many swears as you possibly can – just in case. The patch doesn’t introduce many new features. Unfortunately, there’s no way to officially transfer saves between your mobile device and PC yet, but it’s a safe bet that Bethesda will add it sometime soon. The new updated version features a new combat system. And while the beta eradicated several issues, the final version for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 brings its own collection of bugs.


New areas, new quests and new enemies were added to the game.

Players manage the expansion of the Vault, too. The player can also train the dwellers to become better at what they do. Upon exiting the game (either to desktop or main menu), Fallout 4 will create an ExitSave. By adding both quests and small bits of wasteland exploration, Fallout Shelter has fixed its inconsistency problem to a certain degree. Quantums can be earned by finishing quests, as well, so the need to skip isn’t dependent entirely on one’s wallet. Bethesda finally heard the fans’ wishes as the 1.6 update for “Fallout 4” includes additional words for robot Codsworth.

Y’see, nearly all the game’s room unlocks are tied to your vault’s population of dwellers. That’s no problem, but things get weird because the only reliable way to grow the population is by locking male and female dwellers together in a room and having them get it on until babies are made. Actions in-game feel more concise and less frustrating as a result, allowing players to manage larger vaults easily and keep their dwellers actively on missions.

Even putting aside the political aspects of this inadvertent gender-relations dystopia, the game’s overemphasis on forced breeding has gameplay-relevant effects that affect even apolitical players, so long as they have a mind to play “efficiently”.


“We regret to say that the PS4 Mods Beta for Fallout 4 has been delayed”, stated by Bethesda via Express UK.

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